Who are you, and why are you here? (question most of us can't answer)

in #life7 years ago


When you ask someone, who are you?. Some may not even know what to answer 'why?. Because they don't even know who they are. While some will always give you this common answer '' example, i'm victor by name, i'm a Nigerian, i'm a student etc.
But in real sense. ''is this who we really are?

How we look and what we say does not and will never define who we are. Why because, some of the most beautiful people do the ugliest things.

What we are is not determined by what we wear, the money in our wallet, nor how we look. Who and what you are is simply determined by who or the things you follow. If you follow money you will only seek after such, giving your all for it. If you seek after what they call, 'fun,' your life will be aimed towards finding a way to fame, or a new way to party.

We are all unique and blessed with different talents and abilities. You don’t have to always follow in the footsteps of others. Most importantly, always remind yourself that you don't have to do what everyone else is doing and have a responsibility to develop the talents you have been given.”

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”
“If you don't know who you truly are, you'll never know what you really want.”

It doesn't really matter what other people think and say about you, it's really none of your business. The most destructive thing you would ever do is to believe someone else's opinion of you. You have to stop letting other people's opinions control you.”
Our philosophy will never be best expressed in words; it's best expressed in the choices we make. As long as we live, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility”

“How many more of us are faking the facade? How many more of us are pretending to be something we're not? Even better, how many of us will have the courage to be ourselves regardless of what others think

Taking a look at myself. I can remember i used to hide my true self because i feared people wouldn’t like me, i always think they would judge me for being too much this and not enough that. I found himself acting like everyone else around me, even when my heart wanted to express itself in ways that felt different than much of what i was seeing in the world.

My heart grew louder, and i longed to taste a different kind of freedom, one my mind had worked hard to contain in order to keep me feeling safe. But that safety came with a price: my authenticity. Then it occurred to me, that some people would judge me no matter who i was or what i did.

But that's if i was going to be judged anyway, i then knew i may as well live my life as authentically as possible and at least be judged for my truth. I also knew some people would love me no matter who i was or what i did, and how much better it would feel to be loved for being real.

Facts is ''you don’t have to continue doing the same things you’ve always been doing, When you find out it no longer feels good to do them. Then give yourself permission to try something different, something new. Always give yourself the permission to break away from routine and obligation. Permission to explore, and to soar.''

One of the greatest mistake and understandable error is this: living to live the footprints of others when you have your own foot! So live your footprints! Remember you were born unique! Its okay if you want to put on the shoes of others, (they must fit you however) but don't walk as they walked and as much as possible, don't leave the same footprints they left except you were born to be like them or you can change the face of their footprints into a unique artifact!”

A father once told his son...often times they'll try telling you who they think you should be, even try to manipulate you into believing it but let me tell you something son, if I listened to who I was supposed to be - this, everything we are and do wouldn't be in existence. Be a leader, find yourself and make a life with it. Those who judge you and try to force the patterns of their beliefs onto you are envious they haven't the strength in themselves to do the same.

So in essence'' What i'm trying to say is that, the day you find out who you are is when you look back and realize that it was never the words, rather your actions that defined you.

Stop wearing that mask that is trying to be a match for everybody.
Stop getting into the habit of changing who you are to please others, it will only set a lifetime marathon of you running away from yourself.

It was only when I started to be myself that the music started to flow and people started to listen.” (SAM SMITH)

Thank's for your time.....

Your boy....






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