@wisewoof, I pray that you find peace through your journey and I am glad that you were able to grow as a result of your experience with the Stewards of Terra Mater. I recognize that what I did could easily be construed as being 'ostracized', but please know that it was the result of boundaries that I have. I declared peace and I will not participate in violence. If my withdraw of steem is interpreted any other way then that is something that you will have to confront and come to terms with.
I've made myself very clear for YEARS on how deeply committed I am to peace. Where you and I struggle is our interpretation of what constitutes violence. You don't see the flagging war as violent, where I do. Until we can remedy the incongruity of our views, our relationship is limited by those incongruities.
I know that it is not easy and my boundaries may seem rather steep or harsh, but I am comfortable with my choices even though I've had to say good bye to many people I considered friends. It brings great sadness to my heart. I pray you can move past the pain you are experiencing as a result of your interaction with me. I love you and that will never change.
I have not directly flagged anyone. And instead of being open for discussion I was indeed ostracized - definition: exclude (someone) from a society or group. Without a single thing being said to me no less. It's really not about the steem, it's about the exclusion. I feel a huge rift between us now and have my doubts I will move past that unfortunately. As someone commented on your post "Disagreement with rewards is the first reason given for flagging a post." Doesn't seem like that is inherently wrong or violent, though I can see now how that applies to the methods being used, not that you were open to discuss with me.... It is however our job as collective moderators to do something about abuse within Steemit otherwise it will ultimately fail. It is not your boundaries that are steep/harsh (I respect and agree with said boundaries) but the ousting is. Seeing you open to discussion with everyone but me is what hurts and doesn't make any sense...
"It is however our job as collective moderators to do something about abuse within Steemit otherwise it will ultimately fail."
So much truth in this statement here.
Enjoy your time away. Once I have spent my SP / VP in the flagging initiative I will also be taking a week or more off/away from Steemit. I too have overdone it now for months and months!!
@wisewoof, you delegated steem to @flagthedonkey. Even though you did not flag anybody personally, you delegated steem to those who do. I'm surprised that you fail to see how I cannot participate with all of that.
I refuse to support anybody, any government or any corporation that engages in violence against others. That has been the foundational principles of my work for the past 15 years. I've explained many times why I feel that these actions are violent. I'm not stopping you from doing what you feel you must. I, however, cannot in good conscience participate. So I removed my participation when I found out about it. It is my steem and as such it is my prerogative on what I want to do with it. You can rebuke me all you want. I disagree with your views about what is unfolding. Do what you need to do. I will do what I need to do.
I pray that you find within yourself a way to heal and move past this. May Creator bless you with peace my friend.
I do not believe I've seen where you explain this but that's alright I can understand where you're coming from. Back to my respite, too much drama. Don't know what I'm supposed to do to be of service effectively. I hardly feel comfortable with any participation here, it's just a bunch of negativity to me now. Thankyou for the prayer.
So in Laymans terms, believe and follow as you do, or you are kicked from the club. Good to know.
It is my steem. I can do with it as I please. I've made a declaration of peace and I refuse to have my energy go towards war. I've done that with the state over the last 10+ years and I do that with all my other relationships too. You can try to use guilt to shame me on my choice but I don't buy into that sort of covert violence either. Peace to you.