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RE: Do you think we can truly succeed as an equal society?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Voters want to make the world the way they want it to be at the expense of others.

I give an example, maybe not a good one but you could take every government program and see the violence behind it, ruin all the good intentions.

Let's say I want something that is not possible in reality, I want a house, but I don't have the money, 'cause I don't have enough income to pay back a loan, or I don't want to ask my family and friends to help me out make my wish come true, or I did ask them and they said no. Then I'll have to let it be. don't I.

Well not really. There's an other option. I could steal from my friends, family neighbour, or my boss, or shoplift and sell the stuff, rob a bank or do whatever to get the money I need for the house at the expense of others. But damned there's my conscience, and by the way it would be very risky, I would lose my friends an family, lose my job, get a beating from someone or even get shot. So I decide not to do that.

BUT then one day there is this man, this lovely politician man. He say's that I and everyone should have a house and he's gonna make it happen ..if…..I vote for him. He's gonna help the poor get the house they would otherwise not have the money for.

And so I vote for this man, he's my man, he's gonna give me the money for the house.
And so this man makes it possible for me to go to the bank and get a loan I otherwise would not have gotten. The bank gives me (the risky) loan, knowing that the man I voted for will get them out of trouble. And so I and thousands more get risky loans.

Ahhh finally I have the house I know I can not afford. Wonderfull.

But then something happens, I and a lot of those people can't pay, loose their job or whatever and can't sell their houses.
Oh wait the banks are falling say's my lovely politician man,we have to save them.

And so, my lovely politician man send the man with gun's he hired for me, to my friends, family all my neighbour's, my boss, the shop owner, put's the gun to their head and says, give me your money. He of course call's it taxation.
Then he gives the money to the bank's who had the permission to loan me money I could have never payed them back. I gave him permission to do so by voting for him. It would have been fairer if I would have put the gun to my friends, family, etc head and made them give me the money for the house then they had a change at defending themselves. But I let my army of bureuacrats and police man do it for me, all I had to do was push a button in a voting booth.

I as a voters take advantage of the situation that there is a violent group of people called government. So I can have my wishes, or things I want but do not want to pay for myself, fullfilled at the expence of other people. Government does the stealing for me and forces people to behave the way I want them to behave, and all of that is risk free for me.

I took the the example of voters and politicians fighting to make it possible for the poor to buy a house but I could have chosen a lot of other wishes.
Just to name a few; fighting drug use, fighting poverty, fighting the terrorist, fighting for democracy, fighting for equality, fighting racism, fighting disease, fighting over consumption, fighting you name it.
In politics you see the fighting of everything but one thing, and that one thing is;
fighting the fighting itself cause that would mean the end of politics itself.

If people could or would not use the violence of government for their own agenda, then the only way to get their wishes fulfilled would be; if they did those things themselves, if they cooperated with their fellow human beings or maybe in some cases people would use violence themselves to get what they want with all the risks involved, because they would be seen as thiefs and criminals.

The world is not fair or equal and using the violence of government to make it fair and equal, makes it more unfair an unequal. If we stop using and condoning violence to make the world fair equal and peacfull etc. We have a far better chance of getting a more fair, equal and peacfull world.

English is not my native language so there may be some mistakes.