How to stop overthinking

in #life5 years ago

Of course, by “thinking too much” you should understand not thinking about a possible solution to an important issue or plot of a book you just read, but ordinary everyday thoughts that eat up your mood and ruin your relationship with others. They draw all mental attention onto themselves - we scroll them over and over in our heads over and over again. “What should be done in that case with the boss?” “Will they understand my words correctly, because one could say less ambiguously. For example…". “What did he mean? Is this a veiled insult? ”

Such thoughts do not just constantly arise - we often focus on them. This constant scrolling only harms and leads to stress. In English, there is the term “overthinking”, which can be translated as “winding up”, “over-thinking”, “thinking too much”. The American Psychological Association gives him the following definition: "a repeating, drawn-out thought about yourself, your problems and your experience." This condition manifests itself in many ways: painful thinking, anxiety, self-flagellation, the expectation of negative results, irritability. In a word, there are many reasons to seriously tackle this problem. Here are ten ways you can do this.


1. learn to be aware.

This is the first and best advice. If you are conscious, you will most likely notice your thoughts and be able to stop scrolling through them. After all, the biggest danger is that we are so immersed in them that we no longer pay attention to anything.

Do not try to completely clear your thoughts - it still will not succeed. Just watch, let them pass. Without ratings, development, pondering alternatives.

2. Physically interrupt the process

Here, by the way, there will be rubber bracelets. This simple technique works. As soon as you notice that you are hung up, immediately pull out the elastic band and slap yourself on the wrist with such a bracelet. At the same time, you can say out loud or silently “Stop!”. This is a simple technique that allows you to train mindfulness and notice your thoughts.

3. Practice replacing thoughts

We understand that when it comes to stopping thinking too much, it means bad thoughts. Therefore, a great way would be to replace the negative thought with positive.

For example, you made a mistake at work, your manager spoke unflatteringly about it. Instead of tragic thoughts about a possible dismissal, think that mistakes are part of the job, they all happen, in general, you and the boss have normal relations. It’s bad if you still get fired tomorrow, but at least you won’t torment yourself before that.

Your new thought may even be silly and not related to reality. It does not matter. The main thing is that it interrupts the circulation of negative thoughts.

4. Create a reality frame

Or at least find out the real state of things. It happens that the same trouble happens to us over one day, and we begin to think that there is some pattern in this. But this is nothing more than a mere coincidence. Logic, critical thinking, statistics are important. Evaluate facts, not follow your perception. It, even if partly true, is only partly.

5. Call a friend

A person thinks too much when he does not leave the house for days. It should be at least a little to dispel thoughts in order. Often you just need a different point of view. It is necessary to go off the rails of the same thought.

A friend can give advice or just laugh and call you paranoid. Both that and another helps.

6. Keep busy

Why does this work? If you worry and think too much, then you are either in the past or in the future. Employment helps to be in the present. And in the present, anxiety is practically non-existent.

7. Learn to meditate

We don’t tell you to “meditate”, because this still needs to be learned, because everything is not so simple. Also, most people, as a rule, give up meditation after a week of practice. To learn this, you need a lot of patience. It is also brought up through meditation, therefore a vicious circle is obtained.

If you learn to meditate, this alone will allow you to get rid of thoughts in seconds. It may take six months or more, but it's worth it.

8. Go in for sports

Sport is universal advice. It is unlikely that you will find at least one person in the world who would exclaim: “How I regret that I spent 20 years of my life playing sports! God, how stupid and inexperienced I was! ”

Sport does not allow you to think a lot about the past and future, because it requires a stay in the present. He teaches you how to deal with stress and depression.

9. Make a decision

Very often we think too much because we can’t make a decision. What color to choose a phone - white or black? In this case, there is no bad option, just make a decision. But sometimes it’s hard because it seems to us that we will lose something if we make a choice. Therefore, we are scared. But one has to weigh the pros and cons and decide, one does not need to think endlessly.


Thank you for this sound advice. I especially like what you said about engaging sports, as it doesn't allow to think about the past nor the future, but the present! 😁 That's really a good one.

What also helped me not to overthink is this powerful words: "Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span?” Focusing on our worries and overthinking will not extend our life by even a fraction of a second, let alone improve it, instead it will only add up to our burden. 😢 Besides, things often do not turn out as we feared, right?

Well, thank you for your insight. It is very practical and helpful.

May you have a beautiful day ahead. 😊

Thank you. It's a pleasure to see my post helps you people out there.

Yes, keep it up! 😉


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Oh, I am always overthinking. If it's not because of an emotional flashback, it's because of worries due to my health and such. These days, it has a lot to do with the teeth I had removed. Overthinking about food getting in the socket, the socket looks different this week than last week, I still have soreness. Most of the time, my reflex is "I must be dying, this isn't normal." I've started to converse with alter egos when I'm alone, responses I'd know my husband or mom would tell me. Thank goodness for them. Otherwise, I might get lost in there, inside my head. It's a real maze.

Everyone in the world is dying. Not only you. After born every second we getting older and we see people at the same age are dying. Everyone has to go. even most powerful human in the world can't resist this fact.

The important thing is what you did before you go.
Help people. Do what you can do to make this world better.

ehy dear, a beautiful post and a very interesting topic. I read some comments and I too am a member of the hopeless thinkers club !! brood, brood and brood again, almost never finding solutions or answers. what makes me think more is that all these thoughts concern the past (regrets or remorse, but now that time is gone) or the future (maybe performance anxiety? fear of not making it?) and in this way we lose the only thing real: our present. I would like to learn to meditate, I feel that moment is approaching. congratulations on your work and on the curie vote :-))

Thank you.
Meditation is the best and most wonderful thing I did in my life. Hope you would feel the same.

thank you! I hope too. I will write you if it works :-))

In fact, everything you report on the topic "Thinking Too Much" is very true. That mental state is a very harmful psychological pathology for the human being. I am like that, I spend all time thinking about situations that only make me worry more, cause me anxiety and I end up being stressed, with the expectation of negative results that irritate my life.
I will follow the 9 tips you offer there. I will do it for my mental health. The first thing will be to replace these thoughts, stop, interrupt the routine to learn to be aware and take control of my mind that guides my life ...
Thank you for such a valuable work that you expose and share with all of us.
Greetings from Venezuela!

Good analysis and practical advice.
I practice some of the ones you mention, how to play sports and keep me busy.
As a believer in God, I fully trust that if something escapes me, I can leave it in your hands and He responds wonderfully with peace, tranquility and solution at the right time.
Happy life.

Thank you. It's a pleasure to see I could help people like you, out there.

Hello! A pleasure ♡

I love reading this article at this time in my life. I was so stressed to the point of crying at night thinking and thinking, you saved me, I made the decision to breathe and make a choice despite being the only one I don't like ...

It's a pleasure to see that I could help you.
thank you.

I find myself overthinking more often that I would like to. I do it mainly in situation when I think I could have said something differently or I could have done something differently. I can go on for days with this... I am aware of the issue but I was never able to stop these thoughts. Now, I see that there are many ways how to help it so thank you for sharing these tips. I will try them next time :)

Have a lovely day!

Thank you for sharing with us these pointers. Overthinking is so dangerous, it can eat us up without us knowing and worse, we might hit into depression. I try to keep busy and do sports when I hit into such situation. I like your point about practice replacing thoughts and I still haven't learn how to meditate. Meditating is so hard when the mind doesn't stop thinking. How do you do it?

I agree, when your mind is not peaceful, start meditating is hard. But if you can practice it when you in peaceful, relaxed situation. Then you could probably do it in every situation.
Read books and articles on meditation also you can practice with a teacher.

Thank you for the guidance. I will search around for those. I think it is very much a practise to not let the mind wander with all sorts of thoughts and focus. I wish you much blessings and have a good weekend

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