Working From Home...with My Cat

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Today is a work from home day or WFH. Not because I have to but because I want to. It's great having the ability to work from home whenever necessary...and sometimes when it's unnecessary like today. Necessary times are when I have to watch the kids while my wife has some errands to run or I have an appointment somewhere in town. Unnecessary times are when you feel you might be more productive and don't want to waste time driving to and from work.

Three Tips for WFH Success:

  • Have a Quiet Place - have a place where you can close the doors and drown out the external distractions that come about. If you can, make sure everyone that's home knows not to disturb you.
  • Take a Break - this goes for work at the office as well as at home. Sometimes, while working at home, we keep working with nary a break to be had. Step away, go outside, clear your mind if you can.
  • Don't use work time to do home things - Just say no! It's easy to get into the bad habit of taking care of home things like bills, cleaning, watching TV, etc. Resist! Do home things when you take a break or when work is done.

My cat Tiger.

My cat, who isn't usually very affectionate, decided to be a contrarian today. Usually, he'll come over to wherever I am, butt his head against my leg for a scratch or two then go off and do cat things. He's usually staring out the window chirping at birds that come close. I don't know if this is a normal thing but he literally does this chirping noise at the birds. It must be some kind of evolutionary hunting technique he's held onto or something. I'd video tape it but he's not a good performer in front of the camera.

Do you work from home? Why or why not?


I work part time at home, though I am guilty of mixing home and work things together. Listening to music or podcasts helps to keep me focused, neither of which are usually permissable in a work environment.

Yeah, I do music and podcasts when drive to and from work. I can't focus on either when I'm programming...especially podcasts. What podcasts are you into?

I'm totally with you about the podcast, unless I'm on a conference call. :) Music is great to code to and helps me get into a groove, but I think podcasts use the same part of my brain as coding so only one gets my attention. If I put a podcast on and focus on coding 30 minutes will go by and I'll realize that I have no idea what was said on the podcast.

I work from home one day a week. I love it because that’s three hours saved from my day by not having to get ready and drive to work. I don’t feel one day a week is enough nowadays. I don’t know how I feel about looking for a remote job because some things are more efficiently handled by being in the office. Then again, those three hours are time I could now spend with my family. Tough decisions.

Indeed. My sister and brother-in-law both work from home and love it. Ones a web/app designer the other a writer. I like doing a day or two from home per week...all week and I’d probably start talking to myself more and become a hermit or that “crazy cat guy down the street”.

Haha, I understand. I would love to not have to commute but working in the office is definitely less stressful than at home with my kiddos.