Why I Quit Playing Video Games 20 Years Ago

in #life7 years ago (edited)

As I wrote the title of this post, it dawned on me how long it's actually been. Getting old sucks. It's just constant reminder after reminder of how long ago things were.

Anyway, this is something I get flack for every now and then, particularly from @giftedgaia and @sykochica during some of our podcast episodes. You'll hear them say something to the effect of "We'll just call it a 'simulation' instead of a game" because of my interest in an app called "Universe Sandbox", which many of you may know. I like that one, actually, but for no other purpose than to burn time, not unlike Tetris.

Growing up we always had some kind of game console in the house. My first memory of this is my sister's original Atari 2600.

We had games like Pacman, Q-Bert, Frogger, and E.T. (which wasn't even a complete game), and my favorite, Pitfall.

Then, in 1985, the US was introduced to the 8-Bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). I remember going over to the houses of friends who had one all the time until finally, on my birthday in 1986, I got one of my own. And of course, my parents threw in a few extra games. Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, Double Dribble, Excitebike, Rad Racer, Contra, and of course, The Legend of Zelda (original shiny gold cartridge).

I was sucked in all day long. Playing outside became a thing of the past. Having friends stay overnight was usually meant some sort of "Tournament Of The Nintendo Giants" kind of thing, and which usually meant that the winner was he who beat Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's "Punch Out".

Only a few years later, and I found myself the owner of a Sega Genesis.

There were only a few games I liked on it, but it was worth owning just to have these games. To be honest, I don't remember all but one of them: Flashback.

I absolutely loved this game, but it was almost a total ripoff of Total Recall + The Running Man, in that the main character has completely forgotten his identity, he finds a message from his past self that gives him hints as to who he is and how he got this way, and then has to go through a do-or-die, floor-by-floor "Death Tower" game show to win a ticket off the planet that he's on so he can go back to his home planet and live a normal life.....or something. It's been a couple of decades, so that may not be 100% accurate, so bear with me.

Then, at the age of 17, I bought a Sony Playstation. We're talking first-generation.
The reason I got it: Wipeout XL

I also played my fair share of Tomb Raider and Tekken as well. There were a few other games I played, but all in all I started to get burned out on video games. By this time, I had been introduced to video production and Photoshop, albeit the video was analog tape-to-tape, and the Photoshop version I used was 3.0 on Windows 3.1.

Why was I getting burned out? What was the mindset?

Ultimately, I felt that video games stifled my creative energy. I suppose it was simply my calling to go into the fields that I did - photo/video/computers. My thinking was that in those fields, the world is my oyster. I can do with it as I please and create things out of it that you can't get with video games. When you play a game, you're playing the same game that everyone else is playing. You're seeing all the same story line beginnings and endings that they are. To me, there was nothing unique about that. The end result made things in life no different than before.

But creating something does.

The thing you end up with at the end of a creative endeavor is yours.
Your creation is unique only to you. This was - and still is - fascinating to me.

I know video games have evolved immensely over the past 20 years. Even though I don't play them, I see my friends play them all the time, so I'm no stranger to them (to a degree). I understand there have been many new ways of achieving a more creative end-goal in many games.

But with the advent of multi-player online games, suddenly there is no end to them. This was something that, although I didn't play games, did have a direct impact on my life when I suddenly found myself having a hard time reaching some of my friends due to their weeks-long disappearance following the release of some new game. Even when I and others would go visit these friends, it was most difficult to get them to even put the game on hold and come out into the living room to visit with their guests because they were so absorbed into this virtual world.

I remember numerous times when I went into their room to say hello, only to find some dark box of a room where they had their gaming system setup in the corner, their back faced toward the door. Couldn't even get them to turn towards me so I could see their face. Just a quick toss up of one hand, "Hi."

This behavior seemed very much like a drug addiction to me. Just swap out the controller & console for a belt & needle.
Even the environment seemed fitting. This was just not my thing, nor would it ever be. Granted, I realize not everyone is like this with video games, but seeing this kind of thing just turned me off to it.

So that's pretty much it, in a nutshell. To this day, I don't have much of a desire to play games, I just don't see the point. And oddly enough, this has even spread to other kinds of games, including card games and board games. Even sports. There's just no interest there.

What about you?

I know that on the majority we probably have more gamers here than non-gamers.
But where do you stand? Surely I can't be alone in this viewpoint.


Thanks for sharing your story with us, I have the same "addiction" mindset towards gaming, to extend that I look more forward to a RAID with my mates online than my family...gaming has the ability to consume you...physically...mentally and spiritually...

I totally agree. I quited too, and now I have more free time, I'm more social and traveling and active man :)

When I was younger, I liked games with tons of buttons. Now, the simpler the better. The last game I was hooked on was RockBand on drums and the mic. I went five years or so without playing anything, but the other day I thought I'd give Grand Theft Auto 5 (pretty old now) a try and I enjoyed it. Classics like Mike Tyson's Punch-Out will always be near and dear to my heart :)

Interesting post man. In my case, I think that playing video games has actually increased my creativity, or at least given me more ideas to pull on and develop further.

These days, I'm mostly into sim racing - which I'd like to think is developing a real life skill.

That being said, after working on my website (https://www.adaptnetwork.com) for a few hours, I'd much prefer getting out into the great outdoors :D

I love this post, I can totally relate to losing friends into the gaming vortex. I also loved video games in my youth and I gave them up many years ago as I calculated all the hours that I invested and would never get back. I gave up video games and invested more time in reading books, learning to surf, teaching myself how to dj and other creative pursuits.

Nope, 38 years old and still gaming. Some people play sports, some go fishing, I play games (digital and analogue)
It may become an addiction but so can anything else in life.

Exactly. It just wasn't a part of my calling.

I gave up gaming in 2005 and that is when my life really changed for the better. My last system was an XBox.

I think you are being a little dramatic, yes there are some cases of extreme addiction but playing video games is not that bad if you play every once in a while to distract from work or from your personal life.

You are entitled to your opinion.

i stopped from 2002 - 2009, due to university, and i jumped back in, however this time as i don't have the time nor the energy as before, i only pick up special game to me, like Final Fantasy or Metal Gear, or any other games that might attract me from Square-Enix or Atlus. That's it.

I have never played games online I have never been able to see the point I would rather go surfing ;-) Or learn to create something like $$ !

THIS. Once you grow up the game becomes business and the score is how much money is in your account!

yes the good old times. I dont play amot of games anymore cuz i dont have time for them. But meaby 1 day i can no-life game again when something really extremely good and addictive comes out. Thanks for sharing this with us. upvoted!

Ahhhh...the good ole days of my childhood. Wanna ride bikes or play Asteroids? Great post, thanks @winstonwolfe

Excellent post :) It made me realise a lot of things I had never even thought about. I personally quit playing video games for the most part a year or so ago. I much prefer to read a book nowadays. The main difference is that, as you said, you're literally playing the same thing as everyone else, whereas a book is far more open to creative interpretation and it's a different experience for everyone who reads it. There's nothing wrong with gaming, in my opinion, but like in everything in life: it should be taken in moderation. I'm a 16 year old from England that loves the outdoors but all too often my friends only want to sit inside on a lovely day to play games, which is sad sometimes. But, eh, their loss :D

I think you could have the whole spectrum of interaction without pointing to a specific segment as indicative of video gamers in general. The people who spend thousands of dollars buying Candy Crush power ups are certainly not going to present the people who go online and raid in an MMORPG every night.

Video games have evolved to fit an entire range of needs and motivations and healthy and unhealthy relationships exist within any activity.

While some people can find creative outlets in real life, video games can represent low barrier entry activities that provide those very same outlets. Perhaps your personal preferences make games an unideal form of entertainment for you but for most people at the end of their lives, wishing they spent less time playing video games is not a thing.

While I don't necessarily disagree with your statement, I have to disagree with this:

for most people at the end of their lives, wishing they spent less time playing video games is not a thing.

For most, probably, but you can't really say "it's not a thing", because I'm sure it is.
Especially for these folks:


It was an overgenralization to be sure. I'm kind of lazy to dig it up right now but there was a TED talk on what people wished for at the end of their lives and how video games fit into fulfilling all those particular needs.

I think for those that have the resources to travel and do awesome things, they should but for many video games is a way to work less and spend more time doing something you love possibly with people you like being around.

That's simple when you are getting mature probably any one quit playing game like me too :)

Dude, I miss Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Those were it for me as a kid! I haven't played video games in almost 15 years. Some of my same buddies still do, don't know where there is time for it anymore. So many interests have risen above it. Steemit to name one!

Absolutely brilliant post and this really brings back some fond memories!

A slice of nostalgia anyone?


Nice blog post, I can imagine that same mentality you felt back then a lot of people are feeling now but are too afraid to step out from the "norm". All the best

When I was young I got SNES 93 :'( I rly miss that one :'(

got plenty of time but i dont find any video games to seduce me! lol only Fallout 4 , Wolfstein series achieve that, now im wating Camelot Unchained to see how this it will go !! Am i getting old ??? 😫

I just love video games and video game storytelling. For example The Last Of Us. That truly was a GAME!

Hahaha my ex (read guy who broke my heart to pieces)should read this. There's a point where men put away the games console and start playing a game called life. Boys on the other hand say in the 'simulation game' forever.

I think it really depends on how gaming is approached. I understand that for some it can be really unhealthy, and there have been times in my life where I've been consumed entirely by games.

That said, it doesn't have to be that way. I've always loved games that were able to immerse me in a story, in that manner many RPGs with set storylines and endings could be compared to reading an epic novel. I also love multiplayer games, whether it be co-op I can play in a room with others (about to go try and finish Yoshi's Wooly World with my girlfriend)... or an online game where I'm playing with friends often hundreds or thousands of miles away. This latter type of gaming has really been helpful over time as I and friends have moved away. Rather than hanging out in person, we'll hang out on GTA Online, some Tom Clancy game, Mass Effect, etc.

It really depends on the person and the game. On one hand it can contribute to the isolation many feel in this digital age, but on the other it can do the opposite and bring people together in spite of it.

The graphics are pretty but the gameplay is shallow that is what yoiu are missing

When you play a game, you're playing the same game that everyone else playing it is playing. You're seeing all the same story line beginnings and endings that they are. To me, there was nothing unique about that.

You can say the same thing about books and movies so does that mean books and movies make you uncreative?

In a sense, you might be able to say that. I'm sure not all would agree with it.
Some people sit in bed all day watching movies. I wouldn't call that a spark of creativity.
I would call that consumption.

Also, please don't misundersand me. I didn't say "video games made me uncreative". This is a matter of time management. I felt that I needed to cater to my creative urges, rather than spend that time playing video games. In other words, it was an activity that I found would prevent me from following my own personal calling.