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RE: What I Learned After Being BANNED!

in #life8 years ago

I have a question regarding the shirt design you posted.
When you say you own the rights to the design and the shirt, did you create the design from scratch yourself? Or was it assembled using elements from elsewhere?

The reason I ask is because I did a google image search of your shirt design and found this, which appears to be a negative of the image of the wolf in your shirt design:

The image can be found on the following page:

Please understand, I'm certainly not trying to toss any accusations or opinions around, because I understand that with a certain percentage of alteration to a creative work, some things can be acceptable in the eyes of the law, so I'm just trying to help you see perhaps why Amazon ruled on this the way they did.

For example, do you think it's possible that whomever created the original wolf saw your shirt design and pursued it with Amazon?


Wow thank you!
I actually purchased the design from a site called Merch Ready designs.
This was a shirt I bought recently. And I never uploaded it to Amazon.
Thank you for letting me know. I'm going to be sure to verify that the wolf on the shirt, Is some sort of royalty free clip art or something.