First of all, you look absolutely adorable in those new glasses. Hope you don't mind my sayin'...
Something about this year hasn't been conducive for reading, for me. 2017, I read 60 books. 2018 so far, not one! Steemit + new job + terrible weather = shifting priorities, I guess.
I've heard that a lot of writers don't actually read fiction while they're working on a book - something about undue influence and distraction. But it sounds like you're approach is the opposite. You immerse yourself in others' words as fuel. Is that right?
Ah, thank you for the compliment. I've been wearing the same shape of glasses for about 15 years, so the new style feels a little weird and is taking some adjustment, but I'm sure I'll get used to them soon.
I keep track of how many books I read, and try to read at least one more each year than I did the year before. It's been a looooong time since I read as many as you did last year, though. Motherhood doesn't let me read as voraciously as I once did. This year's goal is 24, and I'm at three so far. We'll see how I do.
I usually do read fiction while I am working on a book, but I have to be careful to avoid voice creep. I'm fairly accustomed to checking for it in my edits these days.