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RE: j

in #life6 years ago

Hi @blockshine :)

Hehe, I will surely send my CV to you (It can be bored or entertain based on your own point of view)

Yeah, I've been a fan of @haogeili on Youtube since last year. He's really know how to be smart and dashing :D

Thanks for the follow, returned you the favor :)


Hi @wilhb81 haha you're funny. I look forward to reading your CV.

@haogeili's videos are very funny, inspiring and have really invaluable information so I watch all his videos. They are also a great tool for learning Chinese for a Laowai like me.

Feel free to check out my previous posts and show some love. :)

It's fun and entertaining to chat with you there. I will surely check out your posts 😀

Posted using Partiko Android


期待用中文和你交流喔 :)


我会把自己的resume/CV 用中马英文写给你,顺便在那问你一些问题 😀

Posted using Partiko Android
