Thank you for reading my article @crypto.piotr
The one that takes the time to read my ideas, my struggles or what-nots I’m publishing here. I want you to know that I am grateful to you for being here even if I’m sure that sometimes there are better and more important things you can do.
I know, I don’t have a lot of followers and there aren’t hundreds and thousands of readers and users checking my article every day but there are a few of you who are reading it.
To you, I’m saying the most honest and from the bottom of my heart “Thank you”
It means a lot to me that you read my blog/article and that you sometimes share my articles. I feel like this is a true statement of trust in what I write and that you believe my content is worthy of being seen by other people too.
Dear @whatsontrend
My wife would go into "berserk mode" if she would read your comment hahaha :)
I'm doing my best to show my support and appreciation to those who engage with me and are part of my journey. It's not easy since I'm "quite popular" haha :)
Ha Ha Ha 😂