I'm constantly writing about investing and finance and trying to merge the gap between myth and truth in investing. It really isn't that hard to become wealthy. One just needs to plan as you describe. There aren't shortcuts, but persistence and third grade math will get you there.
I'd like to point out that you said that when investing in cryptocurrencies it is not wise to do if you have a short term outlook. I'd like to argue that it is not wise to invest in anything short term, but cryptocurrencies are the one kind of investment that could, if you're lucky, work in the short term. That is because of the high volatility. Now, I myself only invest long term, so I wouldn't do that. Altough I tried to play the cryptocurrency market just a bit with a very small amount, but that got stuck immediately and now that is a long term hold also.
Anyway, to sum up with cryptocurrencies you have the best chance to become wealthy fast, fast being a few years. Whereas with other investments you're lucky if you get there in 10. But that is not bad. Persistence is the important thing.