Would you rather have peace of mind, or growth?

in #life7 years ago

What's the difference?

In my head the sense of having peace of mind and growth rarely happen at the same time, especially for those who are young and still figuring out who they are. Growth is only acquired through struggle, which means putting yourself in uncomfortable situations that will try to break you, only to come out stronger and more knowledgeable about who you are. Situations like these sound glorious at first. I mean everybody loves stories of the underdog character going through a crucible, where every aspect of their character, drive, and will to live is questioned, and see them rise above it all to achieve an overarching dream or goal. Actually experiencing this crucible is another story however. I believe everyone gets several life defining moments where they have to make a decision to symbolically jump out a crashing airplane, 10,000 ft up without a parachute, or stay buckled in their seat and see how the situation plays out. Those who chose to jump aren't guaranteed victory or glory, but rather the opportunity to obtain an unfathomable amount of strength and understanding of what they are capable of. Those who stay on board aren't guaranteed destruction and will have peace of mind leaving their lives up to fate. they will however, be trapped in a perpetual cycle of complacency and ignorant of who they can become.


I came to this conclusion recently after I decided to stay on the crashing plane and enjoy the in flight movie. For the first time in long time I chose to take a break from my life long mission of self improvement to just let everything go. The last year of preparing for dental school and trying to build my blog left me tattered and mentally exhausted and I just wanted relax and give myself sometime to breath. To be honest for the first few weeks I had a great time! I recently just acquired this years hottest game, Destiny 2, a dove straight in. I had a nice thing going because I was able to record all of my gameplay to post on Steemit, while simultaneously being able to spend my days living in a different world. That is until I the posts stopped happening and I developed an unhealthy routine of waking up at 1 p.m, playing video games/binge watching Netflicks, and then sleeping just to repeat it again.

I quickly realized what I was doing wasn't making me happy or refreshed. This new life style lead me down a path of laziness and complacency, which lead to me letting all of my hard work here on Steemit go down the drain. What I learned from this experience was a valuable lesson, which was that Too Much Of Anything Is Bad For You, and you need to maintain a delicate balance in life to maintain your truest self.

I have a lot to talk to you all about, but I am going to take it slow in me getting involved again here again on Steemit. One thing I do know, is that my experience over the last two months changed me for the better and I can't wait to share it with you all in do time. Looking forward to reconnecting with all of my old friends on here, and making some new ones along the way. Thanks for reading!


Hello @waphilip

I am just happy to see you back Bro.

I have been checking up on you and you have not been active. I was worried you quit Steemit.

I will like to have a chat with you.

Are you on Discord ?



Yeah bro it’s been a weird few weeks but I’m trying to get back on track! And yeah I would love to talk! My discord is waphilip #7256

Thanks for all of the support man I really appreciate it. Let’s talk tomorrow! Also message me you discord name just in case the one I have you doesn’t work!

I have sent you a friend request Ogochkwu #9478

I have sent you a friend request Ogochkwu #9478

Fasho, I’ll check it out now!

finding the right balance is key. its easy to for something to turn into a habit and then the find days,weeks, months or even years have flown by without having made a step forward. Glad you got yourself back on track! it can be quite a struggle even to just get started

Thanks for reading jahry, and yeah the first step is crucial haha