Science VS Religion... Answering Our Greatest Debates

in #life8 years ago (edited)

We are in a time when the faith of the world-wide community is shifting from religion to science. Collectively we are putting more and more faith into what scientists say and our need for technology than the lessons that religion teach us.  Only 29% of millennials in America say they go to church... that is a staggering number and radically different from previous generations. 

The churches and religions did a lot of it themselves... From radical Muslim terrorists to child molesting priests... all major religions have major flaws and contradictions. It doesn't always mean that the lessons one can learn from the teaching of religious leaders and the lessons one can learn in religious communities.  We as a society are turning away from those answers... turning to science and tech.

Over the past 100 years science and technology are more powerful than most of the baby boomers ever  could dream and they saw man put on the moon. Science has done some marvelous things and we've created some incredible techonology to make our lives better. 

Millennials trust science more than religion and believe it is the answer to life's greatest mysteries. The people who put their faith in science turn away from religion... the people that are devout in their religion often shun technology

"A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion." - Sir Francis Bacon

The truth is, both are needed to complete our understanding of this world. Both are key components to drive our society towards a better future but that can't exist when the two pillars of humanity collide in a fiery debate. There is a simple explanation to how the two work together...

Science tells us HOW things work in the world

Religion tells us WHY things work in this world

They are not contradictory, yet they explain each other. I believe there was evolution that contributed to the development of man, but man but it does't explain why there is man. It is a lot easier for me to believe that there is a higher power than for me to believe that we all just evolved from fish. Both evolution and religion can exist. 

Religion as we all know is faulty because it is created by man. Science is wrong because of the interpretation of man. Scientists get things wrong all the time... just see how they right they are about the weather or even explaining how the pyramid was created.

Every couple of years there is some major discovery that pushes back the timeline of man. A new species is discovered at a pace of almost 50 a day. Sientists have so much to learn and know before they can claim absolute truth. Religions make mistakes all the time, wars and more. Religions need to get back to the fundamentals and devote their time to helping humanity. It is what they do best.

We all need to accept that Science and Religion are two different things, yet both are needed for us to gain wisdom and enlightenment. They are needed for our understanding of this world. They should not be castaway. You shouldn't find ways to belittle the followers of either but seek to join the two thoughts and merge them into one form of understanding.

Sometimes our greatest differences are really two corner pieces to the same puzzle. 

(all gifs from

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

To my followers, you are the understanding that illuminates my Steemit journey.


My Dad took me to church in the late 90s, and we were told the world was ending in 2000, therefore we should donate money and do good things. My dad believed and was active volunteer at the church, i agreed to only go on Sundays. The world did not end and he was dissapointed and felt scammed, and i had my 'I told you so' moment. I still believe in God but not at the people preaching, i can read it myself and choose what to believe

That sucks. Religion is still a man made thing and is faulty. Faith is something different and I'm glad you maintained the faith after such a bad experience. Thanks for sharing.

The priest had a big sign written on the donation box quoting Malachi 3:10 "Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need" . Tithe means 10 percent, so we were asked to donate 10% of our income.

As always: nice gifts dude and a really good post.
Is so easy to just say Religion sucks and Science rules to sound like an edgy kinda guy, very little people has their own oppinion. Personally I don't belive in God and much less in the people preaching it, but I do believe that religion has a really good message to all of us, love.

I believe that the Universe does not owe us a meaning to our lives, and no other life. What is the meaning of the life of a whale swimming alone in the middle of the ocean? None. Life simply exists, it does not need to have a meaning to exist.

The need to have meaning and the realization of it's meaning are two different things.

Exactly. Life does not need to have a meaning, but you are free to give a meaning to your life.

Aristotle said that if there was not God, man would have to create one.

And I agree with him. We need the ludic, the fairy tales to make life more interesting. But reality is what it is, independently of what we need or prefer it to be.

Science tells us both how and why things work. There's no need for religion in that. How and why are really the same thing anyway, unless you mean "why" as some sort of greater purpose. Science can and should inform how we see the world. I think we do need some sort of philosophy to decide how we act on that information, but it doesn't have to be in the form of religion.

Science doesn't tell us why on the most important levels of understanding. There are limitations and parameters.
Religion is any interpretation of man's understanding of God. Science can't answer basic questions for us. Why we are here? It can tell us how we got here, but can't speak to purpose without a cold view of humanity. When a society is too devoted to either science or religion it will fail in this modern era. A balance of understanding is key to our mutual evolution.

Science will never have all answers to all our questions. But it does not mean that because science can't respond everything, that it is valid to speculate and take those speculations as absolute truth without any basis for that. |Many "explanations" of the past we now know to be false.

Science answers "what" using evidence. Philosophy answers "why" using logic. Religion answers "why" using mythology written by primitive tribesmen.

Lol, that is not a logical nor accurate statement. Logic is still bound by the limitations of our understanding. Science and Religion are two ways of humans doing their best to explain existence.

Sure, but we have enough facts about religion now to not take any of it literally! We've entered the realm of what Wilber calls post-metaphysics.......
We know now that the genesis stories of all religion are false. We know that western theism is in no way accurate from a multitude of studies and fields. We know that meditation and yoga have only a limited efficacy as far as any scientific testing and repeatability/falsifiability.
Where I agree is that humans are hard-wired to religiosity and we need new ways of coming to terms with that. The coexist/religions all teach the same thing is false and inadequate.

Places like Sodom and Gomorrah were considered a myth until they were found in the place the bible mentioned. Genesis mentions a great flood that even science has proven. Genesis mentions a race of giants that evidence has been found to support that science ignores. To discard the bible as myth is foolish. To trust every word as literal is also foolish. There is a balance. I don't believe in the co-exist religions because that is as realistic as Iran wanting peace with Israel.
Science is also wrong a lot of the time. Scientists push back the evolution of man every couple of years after new bones are found. They don't really know, they just know at the depth of their understanding and for the scientific community, it's consensus, which is dangerous in itself. True understanding belongs to those that find the harmony in science and religion, because like you said we are hardwired... but not for religious purposes, but for our connection with God. We are hardwired to believe in our creator. The confusion of religion is our way of trying to understand that God and that connection and we use science understand our living world.

True, there are a few minor finds that have been validated. There is no evidence of a worldwide flood as far any science I know. Local flooding, yes, but the story of Noah's flood is 100% myth.
I disagree, we are hardwired for religiosity because of Darwinian impulses.
There is no evidence God exists and every argument for Gods existence has been thoroughly debunked.
I'd agree that the idea of God is not irrational in itself. It may be possible that God does exist but not in any way I've ever heard; except maybe Taoism​ or Christian Gnosticsm. Both are agnostic on what God is......

There is no way to disprove God either.

Evidence for the flood is everywhere, it is science that can't agree on the timeline. Darwinism has so many flaws as well. Evolution doesn't peak with humans asking themselves who they are... that is actually contrary to animal instinct. In some ways is decreases our desire to fight for survival. The motivation is a spiritual one that inhabits the soul. Something else that science has a hard time proving or disproving.

Of course, there is no way to disprove God, but that doesn't equate to God existing.
Some kind of cataclysm around 12,500 years B.C.....But it is in no way consistent with historical myths in The Bible and Koran which are false religious books. Believe me, I read them many times and studied for 40 years and the books are false!
Cognition is a result of emergence which in humans equates to complexity and the ability to self-reflect: completely explained by Darwinism​....
I'm not a believer in a soul but I do believe we are in a simulation and that consciousness is downloadable. Archons control the unbelievably complex super computer called, in myth, The Akashic. But memory is stored there and it is not a soul and The Archons don't know what God is although they still debate the issue......Complete speculation of course.....You can see I'm not 100% convinced​ of materialism but that is no excuse to promote easily disproved religious dogmas.....

I think faith and spirituality (or a sense of connection with others, nature, a wider world or universe) is important. But religion is a way to use that fundamental need for faith/spirituality inherent in us all, to control and manipulate people.

I think Wicca and shamans have the right idea, it's about communion with nature and feeling a connection, respect and empathy to living things. There are a lot of parallels between early spiritualism and the religions we have today. for example ("do unto others as you would have them do unto yourself" (or the man variations of) is present in most religions. I feel this is the case because an ancient ideal of connection and empathy for all others was around long before most religion. Wicca and Shamans talk of connection to Gia or source, we all come from and are connected by, the same energy our same earth so harming others is hurting you too( hence; do unto others…..). Most humans just lost this as we evolved and became more self aware.

I feel humans took this spirituality tried to define it, and along the way used it as a means to control people. That may not have always been the intention but it seems to be where we have ended up. Spirituality is a personal journey of discovery and doesn't always go well with dogmatic religious theism, you have to open yourself up it change based on what you discover along the way.

Science is open to change, a theory is just that, a theory. Provided with new evidence a scientific thinker will "change their mind" and discard previously held beliefs, in favour of those supported by the new evidence.

Religion on the other hand often refuses to adopt new ways even in the face of overwhelming evidence (flat earth, and creationism for two extreme examples). This often leads to conflict , whether that be on two opposing religions who can't agree on the interpretation of the same passage in a religious text. Or a homosexual christian who can't reconcile their sexuality with their religion. This dogmatism in religion is why I, personally reject it. The inability to have an open mind, learn from your mistakes and the evidence in front of you never leads anywhere good.
That being said I am more than happy to discuss religion with anyone and will try to keep an open mind and see things from their perspective. Testing my own Atheist Hypothesis, if you will. I’m willing to admit I am wrong, and I am open to change.

So to summarise I consider myself a "Spiritual Atheist", I think there are elements in religion that are important, but these are often inherent in almost all religions which to me suggest there as a form of non dogmatic , free spirituality or faith that existed before modern religions were constructed. To me the world would be a better place without religion. But spirituality and a mutual connection and respect for those w share the planet with is still essential.

I say feel and think a lot in the paragraphs above, this is because these are my personal opinions formulated from experience/meditation and general pondering or discussion with others. I don't necessarily have any sources to back up these statements, it’s just my opinion.

I also feel the need to mock my very long, very hippy post with this youtube video .
Which sums up my comments above more than I would care to admit :-p