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RE: Being an Introvert Creates Challenges, But Inspires Creativity

in #life8 years ago

great post. thank you for this. i myself am an introvert, and i almost completely recognise myself in your post... worst of all was when i was younger, and my parents wanted me to engage more in social activities... like yiy write, the weekend for us is a time for recharging in solitary state :)

have you ever read walden by henry david thoreau? if not, you should do it. you will enjoy it fiercely. if it can motivate you, look through my posts, i wrote a post about him somewhere last june or july.

one thing i would like to point out: we can thrive in social situations, just as long as we are in control. as much as i like sittinf by myself by a fire, drinking a beer and listrning to music, i enjoy public speaking. lecturing a group if people on a subject you know all about is great. when i do this workrlated it is great. i also do thus as a hobby: i give beer tasting nights. i tremendously enjoy them as long as i am talking and answeribg questions. the moment the questions run out, and i have to sit down in that crowded place and engage in small talk, ir just stare ahead of me untill people have finished their drink so i can present the next one, thats when i start to feel agitated and uncomfortable.


Yes, I am the same way! I do like to engage with people on subjects I am educated about and have good conversations, which is why I like my job. But small talk in crowded places makes me want to sneak out a back door and disappear!