Ok. I did my homework, and i plan to keep this as short and detailed as possible.
I believe the most solid foundation in the believe that God exists and did from the beginning, is the eventual coming to the world of Jesus Christ. This was the first (and last) case of a virgin conceiving independent of seed from a man.
We do hear in some other religions of people referring to Mohammed, Moses, etc, as prophets and messengers of God, but during the life of Jesus Christ, though He kept referring to Himself as being sent from the Father, He was the closest to the nature of God that was made evident.
During Jesus' baptism, there was the loud voice from heaven, and when He died, the God nature in Him was made manifest as the earth was shaken and dead saints arose, there was also the splitting of the temple veil, and the eclipse. The resurrection, appearances, and ascension of Jesus in plain sight (which cannot be down proven by science), can justify to an extent the believe christians have in the existence of God.
Furthermore, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles in the upper room (the first in record of such experience) can further illustrate this claim. Here, someone may say spirits of the same kind exist also in the supernatural realm, i think so too. But like i said in an earlier comment on this, there are supernatural forces in existent, but there is one most powerful than all, and christians choose to believe that the one is the force of God.
I would say more if i had to refer to the scripture, but i did not want to so i won't seem biased. I made sure the few references i made to the stories in the Bible are those that happened in plain sight.
Maybe we can't empirically prove that God exists, and Jesus came to the world, died and resurrected. But it is also the same way we can't empirically prove that William Shakespeare was the first man to write poetry.
Hope this is short enough, lol...
Hope it makes sense to someone.
Good job once again to my boss @humanearl.
Solid points. I always say we can't prove him in that way either but neither can anyone who says he doesn't exist. So from that point on I lean towards the most evidence. To me the evidence suggest a creator of all or as you and I know him. God.