A little art project!

in #life2 months ago

Hi guys,

Hope you’ve all been well! Doesn’t January feel like the longest month ever?! I thought it was going fast at the beginning and now it’s just going so slow. We’ve been having the worst weather which definitely doesn’t help. We’ve been getting on with work and trying to keep on top of jobs and managing to squeeze in little art projects like this one. My dad collected all these flowers for me last year because he knew I wanted to make a piece of wall art with them so I finally remembered to pick up some black card and made it today. I’d seen some like this online and wanted to try and give it a go myself, it’s the first art project I’ve done in ages and I reallt really loved it, made me realise how much I’ve missed creating! Hope you like it! I’m going to buy a frame for it this week!

  • Verity x


Oh My Verity that is beautiful! I would love to see it framed. I have never collected flowers, with the dark background I might have to start. That will be a stunning piece!

Awww thank you so much! I was so excited to finally get time to sit down and do this and it was so much fun! I can’t wait to frame it either, I’ll post it when I do! Hope you’re well!