Another day, another post with me and about me!

in #life7 years ago

As I told you before I'm a stundent but I kinda hate the unuversity where I study.
After a long and full vacation with a lot of interesting activities because it was christamas time and NYE, I ve also started to ski and I went to some parties where I've met new people that turned into friends.
Also I was pretty active on steemit and I lime it because I've made some worldwide friends here too that are following me closely and suporting me and that makes me continue posting!

Here it was one of my bestfriend's birthday and she turned only 21:)).
We had an amazing time at a club from Bucharest, and if you have the chance to visit Romania, Bucharest you should try our clubs because we know how ti party!

Unfortunately,now I have my final tests for this semester and I can't be si active on steemit and not only...

Till now I am thankful for everything that happen to me because a lot of dreams came true and I know the best is yet to come!

I hope you are enjoying yourself and having a great time!
Can' t wait to share with you and also you with us, the next achievemnts!



very beautiful sexy and smart girl

I'm flatterrd!! thanks a lot@jwolf!
you are very kind!