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RE: TP Solutions

in #life5 years ago

Haha, that is funny! Our market street grocery store has TP every morning. If you go early by 8 am you can buy both TP and paper towels. On some mornings it's limited to those people who are 60 and older and also people with immune systems that are compromised! So hey, I'm 61 so I went one day and bought some for my house and another morning I bought some for my sister! Oh and I also found TP and papertowels at a Target in Allen at 9 am one morning last week! Also SAMs has shopping hours for those who are 60 and older and I heard my friend's husband, who just turned 60, bought TP, paper towels and Clorox wipes. They had them ready for the customers - 1 of each of those items in a basket ready to purchase. It was at the SAMs in Plano, TX on Spring Creek off of 75. So, drive to Allen or Plano; 😄, and arrive early to buy TP!😂


Howdy violetmed! Oh that's interesting..Sam's is the place it sounds like! Are these policies of letting 60 and older shoppers in early a new thing that just came about because of the virus? It think it's a great deal. Thanks for letting me know, I think the Dallas area is getting all the supplies!