What the hell is with your stories! I've heard 90% of the stories you share. The one you shared today is something I heard while I was in 5th grade (a slightly altered version with 2 wood cutter twins with one who doesn't sharpen his axe).
Human civilization wasn't built by hard work. No hard work is ever going to produce the results of a mobile phone processor. Our work should be to improve our knowledge, understanding and through that the control we have over our surroundings
The problem is not with my stories, the problem is that you have read all the eastern and western stories, fables and legends... lol
I don't believe that hard work is dispensable, I think it is necessary, considering hard work as an effort of course, and not only as physical work. The fact is that not only with effort and action will things be achieved, but preparation is also necessary. It's like in a fight, you have to hit hard and have good technique, otherwise, you will not have much success.
I see hard work as a catalyst. Apollo Guidance Computer was 2.048 MHz processor. These days even a washing machine is more powerful. Martial Art is actually a perfect example. More brute force you have, the better it is. But it's only a 2nd tier priority.
I do spend an obscene amount of time reading and watching stuff. But I'm barely into my 20s. I couldn't have finished all that all too soon! In case I have finished most of them, I still have Netflix and some books to read. (I've been wanting to read Ender's Game for some time)
but it took a lot of hard work to make that processor
Compared to the amount of work that can be done using the original creation of the processor, the effort that was put to create the processor seem trivial. Mental work result in enhanced efficiency. These days anybody can drive a truck with tons of material across the country instead of carrying them on the back and walking. It takes a lot less effort to build that truck.
Indeed, consider how far and fast one gallon of gas will move a car compared to trying to push it with human power. Fossil fuels have made a lot of human labor obsolete.
Other developments are only going to make things better. Solar Panels with increased efficiency could continuously produce energy for decades after its initial creation. Zero Point Energy is pretty much going to eliminate all energy crisis but that'll take a lot of time.
and it takes a lot of resources.