Purpose of Life

in #life6 years ago

Friends, there are many types of desires within us. The desire to achieve success, the desire to achieve its purpose, desire to do something, make life meaningful, desire to die, desire to do something bigger. But most people go to the grave only for some desires.

If you do not have any purpose in life then your life is like living a death. If you are living a life you will definitely have a purpose but if you are cutting off life only then I am sure that there is lack of purpose in your life.

Do you really have any purpose? Are you taking the vehicle of life without any purpose?

Remember, your objective only creates the passion of doing something inside you. You have to make an objective and will have to work together to complete it.

Do you ask yourself a question every day? The question is: -
*Do you have any purpose in life and if so, are you reaching your objective in your life?
*Are you thinking of yourself as selfish or you have to do something for others?
*Have you put some responsibilities in your shoulders or are you going to go like this?
*Whether or not there is a clear target to get your purpose, if it is, are working hard for it or are you just waiting to be
fulfilled in the dream?

If you are answering these questions with the word 'no' then you need a lot of change in your life and you are wasting your time of every day.

Always remember one thing, Life gives us everything according to which we give it. It is the principle of nature, we will get everything that we will give. If we put an acacia tree, then where will we be? Acacia trees do not seem to be common. So why do we do so that we give life something different and we want to get something different.

Mahatma Gandhi has said -

Read such as you always have to live

But live like this, just like you have to leave the world tomorrow.

We have to find the purpose of our life, we must know what we really want to do. The sooner we will find our purpose, it will be as good for us.

Finding the purpose of your life is not so easy, it is not even less than a big challenge. When our objective is cleared, our life completely builds its balance. We become aware of one way and we get to know where we have to stand with complete perseverance.

You can not sit quietly and see just the show. To make life meaningful, it is important to have a great endeavor to discover and achieve your purpose. 'Let it be happening' Here we have to come out ... wherever there is a need for change, we need to stand there. So make a purpose in life, because without the purpose of your vehicle can go further, I say that the car can not move forward.

We wrote a line in the top of this post, 'Live without purpose, life is like death'. As long as we are alive, we are living with a purpose. The truth is that we have been sent in this world with a special purpose and we all have to move forward with our own purpose only then we can go far.

Most people live in this world and instead of making their time meaningful, they just spend time, and just keep counting the day when the good day will come? But if we have a clear goal or objective then all is in our hands.

I would prefer to fail in the work which would succeed at the end, rather than succeeding in the work which would eventually fail.

-Woodrow Wilson

There is no such person in this world who does not love his life, all of us are very precious and we are special because we can achieve everything on our own with our hard work and achieve Only then can you get the purpose of life.

If you want to make something big in your life or have some big dreams, make a clear objective for yourself, take responsibility for it, get ready to fulfill it and keep working with all the hard work ... because to fulfill dreams and fulfill it hard Dreams of those people are definitely one day or a day ... just keep on going ... go and get everything right with you.