You do not have perfect delicate features, so what??
Your face isn't well sculptured.. It's a bit too roundish, you do not like the colour of your eyes or your skin complexion, not even a perfect tan, so what???
You not have enough curves on you, the flesh is just a tad too much... So what?
You do not have the perfect abs like your friends do, so what???
You're beautiful.. You're lovely. You're a queen/king in your own right.
You do not need to have perfect body features to be where you wanna be in life or find your soulmate.
I know you need to work on yourself and to build self confidence but c'mon.. That isn't all there is to life.
I've seen my friend who no one thought will be approachable settle down with someone am convinced loves her the way she is.
I could go on and on..
Know your self worth..
You're beautiful
You're handsome
You do not need anyone to tell you otherwise...