Is Schooling A Spoon Fed Process?

in #life7 years ago

Why We School

Its interesting how, as a species, we start to learn to do what we don't want to at a very young age. School is most definitely one of the most influential factors in our early development. I look at school differently than some, as many believe school is doing good to teach our young pupils what is needed to know to succeed and survive in our independent lives.

What They Don't Tell You

School, in my opinion, is a feeding system. We're processing units, we input data from our surroundings that allow us to formulate our perception of reality. THIS is sort of important man. You don't need to go to school to succeed, you don't need to wear fancy clothes to succeed, you do not need much!

For ~ 18 years people attend school to survive. That's hilarious, these people have already been surviving for about 22 years. Damn, how have they not learned to survive on their own, and why do they feel the need, the requirement to fulfill society's expectations of members. How fast do you think you could train a child to survive on their own? They're highly intelligent beings that are connected to the world more than the majority of adults. School allows society to funnel members in and make sure they're streamed the "correct" information. Go to China and read their history book, now go to America, Europe, Africa, you get the idea. The information will not line up perfectly, actually there may be drastic differences.

School is a feeding system that tells children how to learn, what process, and when. Not many pupils want to go home after a good 8 hours of unwanted studying to have a blast self-learning at home. Shouldn't that be what we should encourage? Shouldn't children go home with excitement and curiosity. We need to motivate pupils to be curious, adventurous, and most important self-capable.

What is our schooling system doing now? Spoon feeding. I go through so many College level courses that read from slides. I could have done a lot of my college work when I was 14. Having a professor, a professionally certified Ph.D read to you like its a bedtime story is not my idea of education. Either that, or have a nice grad student walk me through a tutorial online is exactly what I like to do and travel for! There of course are better institutions that stimulate pupils minds in order to cause mystery. Don't try to fill in all the answers, stop just handing these newcomers with letters that can be memorized. That's all that will happen.

Struggle Is Needed

Some of the best moments of learning is when you feel alone, when you don't feel as if someone is there to aid you. You must do it yourself. I didn't really have a Father growing up, so I utilized google in order to learn what usually a man may teach to his son. I even taught myself to tie my own shoe laces. It wasn't easy though. Later, 18, struggling for 2 hours on single Calculus problem is exactly how I don't forget the concept of integrals or derivatives.

Giving somebody an answer does not give them understanding. It gives them nothing but a vacuous space that can be filled with the words handed to them.

Stop Spoon Feeding

I advice any teachers, professional and person to person to not hand answers. Tickle their brain, plant a seed, but let them water it.

Give power to pupils by not helping them so much, make them ask questions, because if you're asking questions, you're searching for answers.

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I think the structure of primary school is really a waste of children's time and energy. Non-traditional schooling where kids get to explore their own talents and interests is more appealing. Once they learn their special place in the world, they can then go to more advanced training as a teenager or adult. Plus, college and any education should be free. I value my college experience, but it was not worth the price tag that I am still paying off with no end in sight.

Primary school seems to be more of a daycare that allows children to interact socially. We are pretty gentle with these little ones' minds at this point, but I believe we need to be extremely cautious of what is put in their environment. Primary school goes on for eight hours. That, is unnecessary, these are children. I would minimize school days to 4 - 5 hours. Retention rates would rise, attention rates may rise, and I believe if children had a better "deal" with the schooling program then they may give a little more into it. With a limited amount of time, the topics must be made specifically to get them what is needed, needed.

I wish you luck paying off your schooling. I know I will need to create a solution type plan to rid me of my lady's and mine. Keep Steeming!

if you hate school, no one can be proud of yourself, you will be sorry for regrets, rise up and keep looking for identity :)

I love education, I dislike the way school is ran. Regrets are for individuals who don't choose their path wisely, I appreciate the suggestions! I will continue to search, I wish you the best my friend.

The best "teachers" are those who encourage understanding and the process of learning rather than the end result. School could be a wonderful tool if we went about promoting it in a realistic way, not societal way. We're all universal beings, why not learn that language.

I believe life encourages us to learn. If we allow it too naturally. That's what our body is for, its much more intelligent than us. That Universal Language oooo buddy, i love that statement.

You made some valid points in your post. Schools really need to encourage creativity.

There's a lot school can't and won't teach you. So, it's up to the the teachers to build sharp minds that search for the answers school doesn't provide.

That's truly what is needed! Information is not to be given, its to be earned. An individual who wants to understand will if they want to. Anybody who wants to know something and takes action doesn't need to be taught much else. If there is something they need to know, they'll find it.

The power of our time period, utilizing the universal knowledge - Internet.

I appreciate the comment! Keep Steeming! Sharp minds, i enjoy that statement.

My father had a hard time with me and I always hid in the study time hhhh

That's humorous, my mother is a drill sergeant type of individual. So, I had to hit the books. Once college came around and I had independence, well.

Don't worry about study time, just make sure you work toward what you want, and you'll have it.

Keep Steeming!

Yes love what works does what you love

Some very successful, brilliant people have agreed with you. Rabindranath Tagore (first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature), for example, founded a school based on your principles. He didn't spoon-feed anyone. He wanted students to be in a natural environment, to allow curiosity to lead the way. Marie Curie, also (two Nobel Prizes) dreaded sending her daughters to school. She eventually relented because they had to pass some formal examinations to move on to higher education. But, when they were young, she asked a few of her brilliant colleagues at the Sorbonne to informally expose the girls to ideas and to encourage them to follow their interests. An article on Tagore and his theory of education: And, an excerpt from a book, "Marie Curie and Her Daughters: The Private Lives of Science's First Family", by Shelley Emling, that describes Murie Curie's approach to educating her children:

Wow! @agmoore I really appreciate the fun information! As I love to read into past intellectuals of this world! I'll definitely make sure to check the articles out, and your blog!

Thanks so much! Keep Steeming.

Thank you! I will.

Wow, this article on Tagore is immaculate. I was unaware of this man, I'm very happy you pointed me toward his ideology. It truly resonates with me.

School is the way where you heart be... You go to schools means you go for finding your self identity

School prevents a lot of people from finding their identities. In America, young adults don't have time for searching within, or they are not even aware how to. The masses typically go through the motions for their studies and release stress on the weekend by binge drinking. It depends on the schooling system. I appreciate your feed back!

Self Identity is definitely a high priority, otherwise you get more divorces, more mid life crisis events, and unhappiness if not found. You must find yourself.