The Universe and My place in it. (A repost and re-edit from my wordpress blog)

in #life8 years ago

I often think about how similar solar systems are to human relationships. I see the sun as the human bond. The people as planets. The moons orbiting the planets are their lovers, new and old. The gravity of the human bond holds everyone in their relationships. The ones that are closest to the “sun” (human bond) are the best of friends and those friendships last forever. Or sometimes I think that a star could represent home and the planets orbiting are people that live together. The moons orbiting  the planets are like pets. In this situation, the moon’s can’t be lovers because they most likely live with their friends or family. And we form bonds with pets so I think it’s appropriate to have them as moons.

I think about how people with no home of their own, the people who sleep with friends and/or at families houses but don’t have their own place, to be starless planets that wander throughout the universe either alone or with a pet/moon orbiting around them. I would be considered a starless planet. I don’t have my own house or apartment yet nor do I live with roommates. I’m still living with my family. Sometimes I sleep at my aunt’s townhouse, sometimes I sleep at my dad's apartment or like today I sleep at my mom's apartment.

I see the universe as being just as violent as life here on earth. People killing each other. Planets crashing into each other. Stars exploding and destroying surrounding planets. Homes being destroyed by natural disasters. Sometimes I get lonely and I think about the universe and my place in it, Then I don’t feel so alone anymore. Because we are made of starstuff. And everything around us is made of starstuff. We are never alone. We have the whole universe around us.

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.”― Carl Sagan, Cosmos 

Here is a random poem I wrote for my boyfriend. I just felt like sharing:

Star Crossed Lovers

I believe that we
were born from the same nebula

I believe that our love incubated
in that nebula for eons
until the earth and solar system
was created

I believe that we
were born in the same year,
around the same months,
in the same state
because the Universe wants us to be together. 

I believe that when I first saw you
that we are in fact soul mates
And we will be together forever
And we will grow together as one powerful entity

I know I know. It was corny lol! But he loved it so that's all that matters.