US DOD Playing Games with Drones

in #life3 months ago (edited)

For the last month or so, we've been inundated with breathless reporting and lurid video of what are clearly drones flying over New Jersey. Before that there were numerous reports of such swarms of drones invading airspace over military bases, both in England and in the USA. None of this reporting contains even a hint of what action, if any, has been taken to identify the threat - because it is a threat - or to prevent it from happening.

IMG source - - ThunderWizard

Clearly, the US military is playing with drones, and this despite the recent complete direct denial by a Pentagon spokesperson that is the case. All of this reporting cannot be true. There cannot have been no action taken to identify threat actors invading US military air space. I would conduct some investigation were drones to invade my personal airspace. I am certainly not remotely as competent as the US military at defending my airspace. Anyone that thinks I could be should share whatever awesome drugs they are letting think for them, so I can become as mindless and ridiculously disconnected from reality. I could use a little vacation.

So, we might expect them to lie about what specific actions they took, because those are things that might provide some benefit of foreknowledge to the enemies of the USA. But, the US military continues to pretend to complete ignorance of the identity of the threat actor infiltrating potential weapons platforms into US military restricted airspace, after more than a month of these events being reported, and now we are specifically told it is not the US military flying these drones. Again, we should expect the US military to lie about these things, because it's remotely conceivable that foreign adversaries could be carefully examining the reporting and the drones being shown and draw conclusions regarding US military capabilities.

However, common sense dispels most of the possibilities on the table here. First, what is known about drones of this size includes certain limitations in range and airtime potential. They have fuel for so long if powered by ICE engines, and batteries have only so much range. Drones over New Jersey cannot be coming from Iran, for example, despite some bizarre claim to the contrary that an Iranian 'mothership' off the coast is launching these drones. Were this actually the case, the ghosts of the Mohicans would have taken to birch bark canoes and captured the mothership with bows and arrows. We shot down a weather balloon, FFS. So, the idea that these drones are from any foreign adversary is disproved.

So, these drones are being operated by the US military, and it's obviously the case that is so. These drones are not being deployed in Iraq or Jordan, where testing military capabilities of new platforms would be expected. They're being flown in the UK, and over the USA itself. This strongly suggests these drones are for domestic use. That's why the Pentagon has denied they are their drones. Not all enemies of the United States of America are foreign. The clear language of the Constitution refers to domestic enemies, and that is what these drones are being used to defend against.

Specifically in New Jersey. This post is a warning for American nationals living in New Jersey. The US military is acting to defend the USA against YOU. Give that thought.

Anyway, the reporting on this issue reflects the degraded intellectual capacity of the audience, and also the propagandists. After all, when your victims are defenseless, you don't have to develop much in the way of weapons to defeat them. There isn't any superable explanation for these drones except that they are US government weapons platforms, and they are intended to act on domestic populations, because that's what they're doing. Swarms of government drones are being deployed in New Jersey, for some reason.

Is there a specific threat in New Jersey they are acting to counter? I am unaware of any specific situations that need handling there. If you have any information about threats to the republic from New Jersey let me know in the comments, please. What I think is more likely is that these drones aren't limited to acting in New Jersey. The Phoenix Lights incident comes to mind. This would necessarily be the case were the US government acting to deploy drones to counter threats to the USG, because I cannot think of anything the USG could consider a threat to itself that could be confined to New Jersey. Whatever they're acting to counter there needs must be countered across the 50 states severally, but the reporting doesn't have to do so.

Ya'll seeing drone activity at your location? How close are we to a skynet military police state using the surveillance information Elon Musk's satellite network is providing the US military? It looks like we are already there, TBH, at least in New Jersey. They just don't seem to be actually interacting with civilians yet, other than closer surveillance than is possible from satellites. When they do, we'll know what domestic military purpose the USG has for these drones.

Edit: There is this new report from @redacted on Odysee that is a closer look at 'fifty drones that emerged from the ocean and shot up into the sky' according to a state legislator. These do not appear to be drones at all. Project Bluebean holographic projections? Anyway, just thought I'd add this information. The video of the wheel within a wheel brings some Ezekiel to mind, as Clayton mentions. However, the censored post claiming the NJ drones are military drones neglects that there are multiple sources of drones, and holographic projections as well.[end of edit]

Re-Edit: it turns out that HB 8610 is before Congress at this time, and re-authorizes an excessively authoritarian power to restrict civilian drones (commonly described as Orwellian). This makes it most likely that the US government is being as offensive as possible with it's stable of drones while not claiming responsibility, in order to so outrage people that the abusive re-authorization law is passed. [end re-edit]

Can you think of any acceptable military purpose(s) for weaponized drone swarms over US clay? I can think of lots of unacceptable ones, but I'm not going to mention them. There's no point in giving anyone any ideas they haven't already had, after all, and if the civilian population of America is now seen as a threat to the government of America, well there's no point in giving my enemies any information about my capabilities. Pretty sure my pseudonymity here doesn't pertain to state actors, who can likely image me typing away in my shorts at 3 am using their Starshield assets, and access my content before it leaves my personal device. Certainly it is widely known that covert actors are able to remove items from our personal devices, as I have seen it happening to others reported widely, so it's not just happening on my device - or in my head, as some would certainly suggest.

The AI is in your system, making your typos, forgetting your archives for you, as we speak. I submit that since it is obvious that polities aren't capable of defending their jurisdictions from the terrorist superweapon the US military has perfected, as we seen proven in Syria, the obvious resort of people that would be free of political oppression imposed by the US military is decentralization, which I continuously advocate. This is being countered by the ubiquitous surveillance using Starshield's satellite network provided the US military by Elon Musk's Spacex, and the close surveillance and potential to act locally that drones provide the US military, extended by the AI that has infiltrated our personal devices. These are the nominal means to counter the ability of free people to live without suffering the oppression of US jurisdiction.

Can air gapped systems remain free of skynet intrusion? So far, I don't see any sign they can't. Some food for thought.


I've been ignoring the drone thing.
The Iran narrative is comical Clown World.
I wonder what the next black flag will be.

Facts! It’s even more ridiculous how the Biden DOJ is saying it isn’t Iran while congress people say it is and they heard from “top people”

Even more silly then obvious lies there trying to give different takes and just looking ridiculous. They can’t even run a PcyOp right these days 🤣

Nothing good ever happens.


lol, I can concur this is true!

I'm keeping an eye on it as some of the videos are mad around it. Some drone specialists was saying its the US military looking for a nuclear warhead that was shipped into New Jersey but who knows. Its a crazy world out there.

The radioactive material narrative would require ground teams to move in and secure any radioactive signals, because flying drones cannot do that. There are reported radioactive signals in NYC that no teams have investigated. Therefore I consider that narrative disproved.

HR8610 is up for a vote to re-authorize the 'Orwellian' current FAA authorization. The panic and outrage of the public will pressure legislators to pass that bill, and has already spawned even more draconian legislation. That remains the only narrative that has not been disproved, AFAIK.


hey so u listen to the NoAgenda podcast? I think you’d dig it. Anywhere podcasts are found. Check out yesterday’s episode if u have time!


That's a new one for me. Gonna hunt them down and follow.


The confusion Op is so ridiculous. A congressman saying he was told my “top person” it’s 100% IRAN and they have a MotherShip off the east coast. Than the Biden admin saying same time it’s not and just purposefully throwing confusion out here. It’s so stupid. I love 90 minutes from the area, maybe I should drive out and try to get some video 👀

Here's a video citing US National Security Advisor John Kirby denying there's even any drones in NJ at all. It's just mass hysteria.

Whether it's China, Iran, the US DOD, Spooks, Deep State, or some other actor, the USG is fully on board and either setting the stage for a psyop, or preparing to implement skynet radically targeting Americans for renditions, assassinations (perhaps by drone striking them and denying it), thermal, lidar, and other scanning, including terahertz wall penetrating methods, prefacing seizure of Second Amendment freedoms, this isn't ayliums or some entity(s) independent of the same governmental covert network that facilitated the plandemic, wiped Syria off the map and enlarged Greater Israel, implemented invasive 'immigration' to eradicate high trust societies capable of creating and sustaining Western civilization, prohibition and the prison industrial complex, child sex trafficking and blackmail control of governments, and the trade in involuntarily donated human organs.

All these criminal gangs and networks are linked, mutually supportive, and act from the perspective of the UN that claims the entire global population are 'UN Nationals' and not citizens of the various national polities we think we are. I wouldn't be surprised if this was Dyncorps preparing to anally probe civilians released after being massively drugged and hypnotized to provide eyewitness testimony with real sincerity that they were abducted by ayliums while leaving whole neighborhoods bereft of internal organs like mutilated cattle. Whatever their purpose it, it's nefarious, will eventually create local municipal conditions resembling Syria today, and we'll wish we'd learned from Dostoevsky about killing snitches and government agents with brooms and tire irons rather than ending up in the 15 minute goyslop gulags we will if we don't support each other on the ground outside the governmental institutions that deploy the Delphi method of wasting our time to prevent us from taking substantive action.

It's impossibly confusing, even for diehard, redpilled from birth, dedicated researchers like myself, and the vast majority of folks just trying to keep paychecks coming in while maintaining netflix and chill social relations might get a glimpse down one or another rabbit hole that makes them feel daring and redpilled, before tweeting their resistance and grabbing a six pack and catching a game on TV, but have not even the slightest chance of envisioning the enormity of the transcendent reformation of society ongoing that will leave humanity trapped in bugpods if we don't ourselves produce what we depend on and end our dependence on centralization.

Ultimately that's going to be the fence that we either leap and escape, or the corral that extorts us by our dependence for necessities on overlords. Food, water, shelter, heat, clothes, weapons, communications, mobility, etc, these basal needs are weapons, and AI will wield them to render us chattel if we remain dependent on centralized provisions. This confusion weaponizes helplessness, even if we realize it's deliberate. We don't need to understand all their schemes. We need to be competent to provide our necessities and secure our lives, communities, and property from any hostile actors. The role of the USG in this op reveals that entity as a primary hostile actor in this sideshow, and ongoing transformation from US citizens to UN chattel.


@valued-customer, I paid out 0.524 HIVE and 0.144 HBD to reward 9 comments in this discussion thread.

Koreans who are currently receiving Chinese capital claim that Chinese drones will bomb the American continent!Dear @valued-customer !

Do you think Chinese drones or American drones pose a greater threat to Americans?

It is our governments that directly do us harm daily. The drones over the USA are all American military drones coming from the military bases nearby. China has no ability to fly drones to the USA and do it harm. Intercontinental drones remain impossible to fuel for flights of such great distance. Americans suffer the oppression imposed by the US government, and China suffers the oppression of the CCP.


New information, that there is a highly authoritarian (often described as Orwellian) FAA authorization that is expiring on 12/20/24, and that a bill is pending before Congress to approve simply re-authorizing this law. It is most likely, therefore, that the US government is abusing it's drones to spark outrage and is pretending not to be the perpetrator of the invasive use of these drones in order to retain it's undue power to restrict civilian drones.

HB 8610 is the FAA re-authorization act at issue.

It's happening over my home town too. Literally over my own home at night time with no lights on the drone every night. And across the whole city. It's a huge drone too. Grey in color barely visible.

I spoke on it to some of my uncle's and they agree that we should shoot it down if they don't stop because it's an invasion of privacy.

Not enough people care to do anything about it anyways but I'm pretty sure they received some calls about the show. Probably getting the same answers as usual. Routine or, they are looking for someone etc.