Trump Victory!

in #life4 months ago (edited)

Just saw the electoral vote count hit 270, which makes Trump the official President Elect.

Haven't heard any announcements yet, and ballots still are rolling in, but if this site isn't glitched or lying, Trump has won election as US President.

IMG source -

Since my vote didn't matter - Oregon will deliver it's electoral votes to the Democratic candidate - I voted my conscience and cast my vote for Dr. Shiva, the only anti-Zionist choice available.

Thought ya'll would want to know immediately, so here's the news.

Edit: oh yeah, the Republicans added a seat in the Senate and two in the House.


The signs pointed into the direction of the Republicans, when Musk joined the campaign and when Zuckerberg revealed what he revealed. The other sign was Tulsi Gabbard and RFK giving up their own candidacy and party. Which for me meant, that part of the powers in play turned towards Trump to secure their money and also to be safer towards possible hostile actions from the other camp. Still, the outcome was far from being clear, since fraud and disturbance of the legal process must be calculated in.

In the lower ranks you've got people like Charlie Kirk and his followership, who did a hell lot of grass-root work to convince the populace, in particular students on campuses. His live show on yt yesterday was being deleted during me watching it and cannot be found on his channel. On the intellectual front you've got figures like Jordan Peterson. Even though they have the whole legacy media against them, they have big money against them, they seemed to have compensated it by hard work and a mindset of never surrender.
Which the other camp does not have in terms of regular people. The lefties are not known for being hard working folks, they may also have relied on the fact that they were in the stronger position and not have left the bed or cozy couch on election day.

One may think of Trump and his team what one wants. But since there were only two choices for the American people, they chose for what they think of clean capital instead of socialism. Americans mean it when they say that they "come first". We here in Germany seem to think the opposite (on the surface).

P.S. read my comment here, also.

The Left has been the party of deception, of censorship, fake news, and force. Unfortunately, it is not recognized that the Right is just as duplicitous.

"...there were only two choices for the American people..."

This is why I voted for Dr. Shiva. Oregon is mail in voting only. There is almost no ability to assure clean elections because of this. Not surprisingly Oregon is controlled by the Left, and my vote wasn't going to change that.


Oregon is mail in voting only.

What??? I did not know this. That is insane. Good grief.

You might find that interesting:

The thing is that Trump and his entire coterie (excluding Vance) have been lifelong Democrats, until running for President as Republican. It seems obvious to me that there is no longer a right wing in American politics. The Overton window has been shoved to the left so far the Conservatives just aren't part of the conversation. The incredible shift in the public view through the Overton window since 2012 makes Trump the same thing as Hitler in that view through the Overton window.

It's pretty ludicrous, but the control of the public discourse is impressive.

We are experiencing exactly the same phenomenon here, with the once conservative parties gradually moving further to the left under Merkel's leadership and all the women who stepped into that world through the last century before her. I now consider women in high political office to be fundamentally wrong. They are either very hairy on the teeth or dreaming dancers. Exceptions prove the rule.

My new life as a housewife has given me completely new insights into my female role. It's madness to deny yourself a soft heart. If you do, you are doing yourself wrong and ultimately leading yourself astray for the rest of your life. Since we got married, the roles between me and my husband have become clearer and clearer, and his is to give my son the kind of fatherhood he needs. I have to let him have his way and although I am still free to spoil my offspring, I can see the rightness of the male tougher action and do support my man in this. The eureka (!) happens almost every week. It is such a relief for me to no longer have to be both man and woman, but to allow myself to prioritise the feminine and finally give up this eternal conflict.
I wish many more women would have this experience, which is as taboo today as the devil shuns holy water.

I couldn't have hoped for more.

On the political side. What do you want to do? Just let everything run its course and ignore the ludicrousness?(more of a rhetorical question) We can see where that has got us. For my part, I believe that one should never surrender as long as one can enjoy life. In a way, you have to play the game.

So, I am having meanwhile some fun in writing satire-esque posts.

It sounds like you're heart is overfilling and your love is spilling over to all around you. It sounds like a great time to be someone close to you, to see you blooming and blossoming like that. I'm very happy for you.

Thank you very much.
It's so good to pack away the illusions and excuses I formerly had when I was younger. It is not that I was totally out of touch with reality. But to love and to live together with a genuine man is an experience. Who is strong, determined, focused and to whom I can submit without betraying myself, is something I cannot really express. Don't get me wrong. He is not flawless. But there is something going on between a man and a woman which is unique in its own. I feel sorry for all the loners and losers out there who didn't man up and who did not woman up.

Interesting turn of events, but if we think about it critically, there’s no way there would’ve been any other result.

Only time will tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I hope it’s good, but these days I’m realistic about not getting too excited.

Time will likely tell us that things won't be substantially different than they would have been if Kamala had gotten elected.

Trump behaved like an establishment candidate (although a very dumb one) after his first election. I don't expect him to behave much different this time.

He had a cabinet full of establishment insiders and not a vetted group. This time he seems to have a vetted group and better organized. Time will tell what comes of it, we can hope it will be good but we don’t know at the moment.

I think with how Harris had pivoted away from the zealotry prior to the DNC, to what she and others were saying during the DNC things may not have been as extreme but those insiders are chameleons - they change every day and you never know what you’ll get besides lies.

I think it matters to the candidates and their friends and families a great deal, but the rest of us not so much.

I think it matters.

I have lots of friends that do also. Clearly you are not alone, and indeed are amongst a majority of Americans. As is often the case, I would greatly prefer to be wrong, and for you to be right.


Then you need to get out and see the world.


The big government machine will likely still be behind a puppet president. That's what happened his first term.

"...there’s no way there would’ve been any other result."

I can't agree with that (I think there were attempts to rig the vote that were foiled), but I do agree we'll see what comes, good, bad, or indifferent.


@valued-customer, I paid out 0.265 HIVE and 0.050 HBD to reward 11 comments in this discussion thread.

Was eh schon feststand.
Er ist ein Gatekeeper.

Looking at what he has done regarding the legally mandated release of information to the public on the JFK assassination, it is difficult to disagree.


But if you understand what the Bible says and know what dark places he goes to, then it's not that difficult. It just takes a lot of time and needs God.

know what dark places he goes to

I can't. I've never met the guy, and don't trust the reports of those that claim to know.

Go for it, the show goes on.

My parents said they were up until 2:15am watching the results. They said it happened around 1:30, but they wanted to keep watching to make sure it was right. Ha! I went to bed when she had 100something and he had 200 or so I think. I figured it would be days before we got the results.

I had thought it would be a while, so was surprised. However, there were widespread reports of voting machines going down, which probably required forced rebooting and resetting to factory defaults, which would have eliminated any software to defraud the election. I think that was what happened, and why we got the results we did, and got them quickly.


Dear @valued-customer !

I remember Oregon being a Democratic state!😃
Joseph from Oregon supported Trump. By the way, I assumed you didn't support Trump!

In East Asia, many people claim that Trump's cutoff of aid to Ukraine will lead to Putin winning the war. I wonder what you think!

In fact the war in the Ukraine is and has always been a proxy war the US is waging against Russia using the Ukraine as a mercenary force. If the US quits fighting it, Russia will prevail, and the Ukraine will make whatever terms they can.

The CIA and it's front NED trained nazi radicals as rebels and used them to assassinate protestors and police alike during the Maidan, which the rebels tried to blame on the police. However proof was provided that it was the CIA trained rebels that committed the murders, which ended the trials of police officers. Those trials began long after the Ukraine government had been taken over. After that the CIA trained nazis were funded and equipped to bomb ethic Russians living in the south of Ukraine, in the region that unsurprisingly voted to join Russia after being shelled by Ukrainian forces in the Ukraine where their forefathers had lived since the creation of the Ukraine in the 1920s. Russian forces only entered the Ukraine in 2022 because Ukrainian military forces were massing on the border of the Donbass region in what appeared to be preparations to slaughter ethnic Russians that lived there, many of whom had family in Russia.

Most people in the West paid no attention to the Ukraine until the media began to blast the war daily, and had no idea of the reasons for the war, and still don't. At least Ukrainians will stop dying for US political goals, which is what they're dying for now, if the US quits sending them money and weapons to attack Russia with.


Dear @valued-customer !

Do you think Trump will give Putin some of Ukraine's territory?

Many East Asians speculate that Putin will receive some of Ukraine's territory and stop the war.

I also speculate that China could start a new war against the US to take over Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula!

Thank you for kind ansewr!
I hope your health and long life!

"Do you think Trump will give Putin some of Ukraine's territory?"

Trump doesn't have any of the Ukraine to give away. Could Trump demand that the Ukraine cede territory to Russia? He probably could. After WWII Germany was forced to cede large swaths of territory to it's neighbors. Will he? I have absolutely no competence to judge what Trump thinks is politically possible, beneficial, or acceptable to the parties involved.

All that being said, I doubt very much that Putin will be willing to forego any of the territory Russia has taken from the Ukraine (and the US, who has been paying the Ukraine to fight Russia), and am confident that the Donbass will have to be free from the Ukraine before Russia will even contemplate an end to taking it by force, as they have been. Much of the population of the Donbass is ethnically Rus, and have close family in Russia, which is why Russia intervened to stop the terrorist attacks and looming slaughter the Ukraine was massing troops on the border of the Donbass in 2022 to commit. Putin isn't just going to walk away from them now, no matter what Trump or anyone else says.

The only real power Trump has in the matter is the power of the purse that has been paying the Ukraine to wage war against Russia and the Russian people in the Ukraine, and just closing the purse will cause the Ukraine to revert to being Russian territory as soon as Russia takes it by force, back to what it was before it was carved out as an autonomous republic of the USSR in the 1920s. Zhelensky will prefer to make a lot of concessions that prevent that from happening, and the Donbass is first on the list, IMHO.

"I also speculate that China could start a new war against the US to take over Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula!"

China could, of course, start a war at any time. Xi Jinping doesn't strike me as a particularly ruthless warlord. He strikes me as a particularly ruthless technocrat, and an aging one at that, governing a massive country with an even more massive population, that is facing some challenges that would not be reduced or helped by throwing its manpower into a war that will surely reduce their number. Since one of the primary challenges China is facing today is a demographic collapse, that is far worse in China than the rest of the world because of their former policies restricting family size, I really think that such a course of action would be extremely rash and counterproductive to solving the challenges China is facing. China didn't need to fight any wars for Hong Kong and Hainan. I don't think fighting a war over Taiwan or other E. Asian territory is high on Xi's list of things to do.

Of course, I neither have remotely anything like competence to predict what China will do, or what Trump has in mind regarding China. Trump certainly has some policies regarding China, one of the US's primary trade partners, and economic and financial matters. He's talked about eliminating the income tax completely and replacing that funding of government with tariffs, and our largest trading partners are where most of that funding would come from, and that means China. Who knows what Trump intends?

Not me.

Edit: these guys claim to have some insight.

Thank you for kind answer!


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @themyscira tipped @valued-customer

RE port ED


I agree with what Musk says here, but I can't post on X since he hired Linda Yaccarino because they gave me the boot. So, I'm not sure Musk is walking his talk.

I haven't been able to LinkedIN since Reed Hoffman gave it to the Microsoft team for $28 Billion... I also got knocked off it again when COVID was a SCAM. I only use X to make points :point on the block.
M A G A :bacon