The Rise of the Downtrodden and the Growth of Decrease

in #life7 years ago (edited)


The pointy end of the attack on freedom is the attack on men, because it is men that comprise the primary defense of people. Men evolved as defenders of their peoples, families, and communities, and the sexually dimorphic phenotypic expression of H. sapiens shows dramatically the influence of evolution. Men are larger, stronger, and better able to exert sudden strength. They are both more aggressive, and less willing to tolerate oppression.

Throughout history, war and intraspecific conflict have shown that men are disposable. One surviving man can father thousands of children, as long as there are fertile women available to raise them. Most of a society's men can perish in successful defense of their culture, and that culture will survive, as long as they protect their lands, resources, and women.

The covert controllers of civilization, variously referred to by me as banksters, the deep state, etc., have long sought to increase the profitability of their human plantations, and the best way to do this is to remove or disable men, whose purpose is to defend their people.

This article by National Geographic discusses Japan, which is in the advanced throes of oppression intended to maximize the power of banksters.

"More than 40 percent of men and women aged 18-34 in Japan have never had sex..."

Given the primacy of the sexual impulse in all species, and particularly our hypersexual people, this is an incredible statistic. It is a glaring example of the potency of the assault on freedom, which must destroy societies' ability to act in their own best interests.

Clearly, celibacy amongst the primary reproductive segment of a population demonstrates the extent to which that society has been destroyed. Japan is probably the most culturally repressed and socially controlled nation in the world.

One thing not discussed in this article - a glaring omission which proves, IMHO, intent to conceal it - is the propaganda, repression, and outright violent assault on men, specifically men that participate in reproductive activities. In the West, just making a bad pass at a woman is now a crime.

I'm not talking about rape and violent harm. Just risking rejection today is also risking being enslaved by the jack-booted thugs of the police state. For those of you that consider this a victory, I say you are the enemy of our species, and me in particular.

This is why I'm a monk. I have three blue-eyed sons, all smarter and better looking than I (and that's saying a lot), and the potential returns on my risky investment in dalliance are insufficient to undertake the danger. I'm an old man, and I've been there, seen that, and worn out my T-shirts.

Men will beat each other to death over women. They'll conquer nations, die pointlessly in war, and make fools of themselves without remorse. The sexual impulse is no weaker in women, although, since I am not a woman, I won't discuss particulars. Consider how awful the oppression must be to convince more than a quarter of our population to not even try anymore.

By attacking men in particular, and sexuality generally, by disrupting natural societal forces that create strong cultures, banksters are increasing their power, and reducing the less financially able amongst us to actual slavery. The consequences of the #metoo movement include women becoming unwelcome in business. The bandwagon many feminists jumped on to empower themselves has proved to debilitate not only their intended victims, but themselves, because they are part of the society they acted to weaken and degrade.

Worse, they demonstrated that they are weapons used against it, and earned their blacklisting fair and square.

This article by National Geographic is an example of propaganda intended to reduce society to easy subjugation. Operation Mockingbird and similar assaults on freedom have penetrated every traditional media, and continue to adapt to technological progress by infesting new media.

Porn isn't the cause of celibacy. Neither is social media, or economic repression. These are all both symptoms of the assault on freedom, and weapons being used to repress our natural means of creating strong, independent cultures.

Like Bonobos, Dolphins, and our less-repressed forefathers, people form strong social bonds through intraspecific sexual intercourse. Less sexual activity generally results in weaker societies.

I would here like to advocate one means of fighting back against the banksters: go get laid.

Edit: forgot the link to the National Geographic article. Fixed.

IMG source -


For those of you that consider this a victory, I say you are the enemy of our species, and me in particular.

Well said buddy, the attack on men is indeed an insipid plan to drive another wedge into an already divided society. The saddest part is most 'decent' people are unaware of it and even if they were they'd be too afraid to say anything for fear of being accused of the latest 'ism'!

This is why I pointed to a somewhat salacious National Geographic article, since such a piece being used to promulgate propaganda is unexpected. Some good science and geographical work, written for laymen, come out there.

Frankly, I was surprised to see the issue so misrepresented there, because of that. It brings to our attention how pervasive Operation Mockingbird and associated efforts are at infiltrating our media, with comprehensive goals and attention to every aspect of our social considerations.

I guess I don't see much point in letting such manipulations distract us from the societal challenges before us, this issue being amongst the most consequential of them.

Operation Mockingbird has been an unqualified success, they haven't just infiltrated the media. Establishments of learning such as the Smithsonian are complicit in propagating many lies and initiating cover ups of historical truths. It's piss poor.
You're doing great work here mate, keep it up.

The main problem presently is that men have allowed shortsighted women to form public opinions.

The women in charge of education policy sometime in the last century misinterpreted advertising directed at men to provide for them by buying a product as these same advertiser's discriminatory opinion of them for being women. While the intentions of these advertisers that form the opinions or atithesis of the opinions of women is claimed to be known by feminists as the patriarchy they did not and do not represent the whole of society but rather a catering to the reality of being most able to sell a product by harnessing the power of a man's willingness to provide for his wife.

In fact aint-patriarchial propaganda was disseminated by these very same advertising institutions in order to divide the population into more clearly defined marketing audiences. The advertising industry, democratic women voters, and sad excuse for an education system constantly compounds these advertising campaigns from over 50 years ago to recycle them with new taxpayer money and disseminate them as reality to gaslight another generation of democratic voters.

I can tell from your post you are very aware of reality, but reading about an attempted assult on our freedom and porn in the same statement makes me feel like I'm reading the NY times. What is freedom for?

I see that dissolution and derangement go hand in hand, opposing reason and hard work, which are the foundation of freedom.

I do not denigrate the freedom to be sexual, even to express it visually. Yet, porn is undeniably used as a weapon to desecrate, degrade, and disempower, particularly children, who are exposed to incredibly vile crap online without much in the way of oversight today.

As family is the foundation of freedom, so teaching little children in kindergarten about perverse and depraved sexual deviance, in the guise of sex education and freedom of choice, destroys familial cohesion and rips the guts out of a free people.

That's what I meant.

Edit: also, I was responding to specific charges in the linked article. If you haven't read it, you wouldn't know that.

They are both more aggressive, and less willing to tolerate oppression.

You seem to infer that you have every right to fight oppression but a women needs to stay home and raise children. It has come from a long hard fought battle from women that has shown their strength and desire not to be used as pawns of men just like you bellow not being pawns of the establishment. Don't ever think you can credit some grand master plan on behalf of any force other than women for where they got to today. It is because of men's views that women are meant to be seen and not heard that drove the want to feel what it would be like to free, just as free as any man off fighting for their freedom. Woman have been the longest held slaves on the face of the earth and for you to conjure up some porn article and articulate it to mean anything other than it is just shows your bias and utter disregard towards women. What is happening with men is the same thing that happened with women. They finally stood up and said I have a right to be free, there's nothing wrong with me if I want to take the prime years of my life and enjoy them. That no one has control over that except them and not some expectations of familial obligations.

The women who took the women's movement seriously and didn't play to pay are hardly blind as to why they are eating their own. For every women rejected for advancement at the expense of those willing to play the man game was just a matter of time for them to. There's always someone else who comes along who is younger, more vibrant and willing. They aren't doing anyone any favors by donning pink pussy hats proclaiming justice for their pussies, they're just making themselves out to be the ignorant fools they were while real women were being kicked to the curb. All that marching demanding justice only to end up being used as pawns again in a one ups-men-ship in a political ploy of sexual indiscretions just goes to show you they still haven't learned how to play with a full deck.

I hope you misunderstand me. Noting the physical and behavioral differences between men and women is not endorsement of the subjugation of women. From the balance of your remarks, it would appear we agree on much.

"..for you to conjure up some porn article and articulate it to mean anything other than it is just shows your bias and utter disregard towards women..."

Calling my statement that porn is a weapon against families is showing bias and utter disregard towards women is just silly. Perhaps you could either reconsider that assumption, or support it. Why are people picking on porn in this post? I am pretty sure I have more flimsy and insuperable arguments than that porn is a weapon against our kids.

Anyway, whether or not you are a woman, you will find that I address your statements solely on the basis of how reasonable they are, and not because of any bias or utter disregard you suppose me to have.

I note you do not disagree with the statement than men have fulfilled the role of protector of the species, including women. That men and women are different is undeniable, and is no slight to either. Will you accuse me of hating cats, because wolves run in packs?

I took martial arts when I was in my teens, unless a formidable opponent with the same skill levels or higher I had no problem taking down men much bigger then myself. I faced a lot of abuse when I was a child and there came a point I was determined that wasn't going to keep happening for me. I think all women can evolve that way if they are determined. I think you may underestimate the ability of women a bit, granted many women won't find a need in their life to defend life, liberty or property but maybe it's just they have had men there to do it not necessarily that they can't if they are faced with it.

It was your over all tone as to why aren't men having sex...just as if to say men expect it one way or the other, it's obtainable, it's expected, it's the way it's suppose to be. According to you but not to a whole lot of women who said that may be your expectation but I got other idea's now. You only live once, I generally feel that once women stopped living life by expectations of men men turned around and decided they can do the same. You only live one life, why spend your whole life straddled down. It doesn't mean it's the end of the familial roles, most have just delayed that part of their life for later. Some men actually decide not to have sex also because they don't want to find themselves accidentally stuck in the burden of trying to raise a family when they are young and not established monetarily. Think about what was said, how they all live together crammed up in a small space....why subject yourself to such a burden if you can make wiser decisions and plan for that time.


The #metoo movememt is an old political infighting tactic commonly seen in communist or other such monolothic political systems. The US with its sclerotic "two-party" system is just catching up with the rest of the populist authoritarian regimes. One of the favorite political weapon is upholding sexual laws, customs, or mores. Enforcement of such rules can cast a wide net, as the US experiences currently, with no one completely immune to political purges in the guise of moral revival. Augustus Caesar's defense of "Roman family values" during his consulate was an example of aforementioned political consolidation.

The Leftist political faction, having failed to destroy one President Trump with sexual misconduct, is demonstrating that it can purge any one from any profession at any level of position. Much like when communists purge opposing faction, usually, the purge starts with #2 or #3 highest ranking opposition, trickles down to purge everyone who may pose an obstacle, then finally the #1 ranking opposition is off'ed once he has been sufficiently neutered.

The underlying messages of any sexual misconduct laws/purges is not that men need to be celibate, but men can not control their basic urges. Your recommendation neatly plays into the Leftist propaganda of "rape culture" and subsequence necessity of sexual conduct laws to control men from their beastly desires. A mark of a human would be he who mastered his base urges and desires. The #metoo Leftist political farce can not be neutralized, until the Western assumption of "rape culture" can be ideologically annihilated.

Great points.

I think the best way to obliterate the 'rape culture' allegation and the #metoo movement is just people getting freaky in voluntary hookups. Nothing but diverse, and ubiquitous, healthy relationships could have the same power to dismiss such madness.

I see that Japan has succumbed, and failed to surmount the test. I see the MGTOW movement also as failure, including my own hermitage. I think I read once that the average age that the Chinese lost their virginity was 26 (more than a decade ago, so vague recollection), which dumbfounded me, and would be a further example of imposition of unnatural contraints on social interactions, IMHO.

Good, voluntary sexual intercourse will vanquish such manipulative techniques faster and more effectively than anything else. I'm not advocating inappropriate acts, but rather people refusing to give up sex, and maintaining nominal social interactions, rather than succumbing, as Japan has.

Relevance:And get someone pregnant!Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

sexually dimorphic phenotypic expression of H. sapiens
I LOVE it when you talk dirty!
Does the data fit the theory?
does the data fit OTHER theories?
can there be more than one theory that the data fits?
obviously there can be.
are both theories correct?
probably not
what can we do?
observe and gather more data

we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Excessive verbosity is always bad writing =p

I'm not aware of competing theories to explain men being larger and more aggressive than women.

Given history, I reckon we've plenty of data to ascribe to men such traits from the evolutionary pressure applied by being the goto defenders of society.

We certainly see propaganda being used to disenfranchise, legally harass, and generally castigate men, at least in the West. Given the validity of the role of men as protector's, this becomes an effective tool to weaken a society.

The point you made me aware of the other day was key in my having this epiphany. The backlash against the #metoo movement has shown how harm is done even to women in the West with feminist propaganda.

I'm agin' it.

competing theories to explain men being larger and more aggressive than women.
That wasn't the theory I was referring to.
I think that They is similar to the Invisible Hand of Adam Smith fame.
A Grand conspiracy.

Everything else seem reasonable.

Fair enough.

Actually, more than fair. I make some leaps of judgement that are derived from anecdotal evidence, and I concur that conjecture is weak.