The Last Election in America

in #life5 months ago

The US military has arrogated to itself domestic police powers and the power to use deadly force against American civilians, despite Posse Comitatus making that contrary to the Constitution and illegal. David Knight discusses how both Harris and Trump seem to support it here. Knight knocks it out of the park in this video. I hope everyone both left and right, both top and bottom, everyone of every bent and inclination, watches this video, because he points out that this Presidential election has been rigged in multiple ways already so badly that it doesn't matter who wins.

Whoever wins kicks off martial law.

IMG source -

I heard Trump say something like 'Christians, my lovely Christians, you have to get out and vote. Just this one time. You won't have to do it again.' not long ago. I was astounded. It was like he was trying to be the danger to democracy the Democrats accused him of being. David Knight points out that Trump has called for using force against Americans more recently. Knight also rolls a clip of Harris talking about having power. They're peas in a pod when it comes to martial law.

There's more, but Knight says it much better than I repeat it. Watch the video linked above. You should know what's coming. This could be our last federal election, and no matter who you vote for, whether you vote, or not, martial law is coming because the uniparty is running both candidates. It takes two cheeks to flap against each other and fart out the reeking rhetoric politicans spew, but both cheeks are the same stinking ass.


Well, something is definitely in the works, that’s for sure. I’ll check out the video. I think the whole world is wondering what will happen in the next few months.

Folks that know the things Knight discusses do not have to wonder what will happen.


I've been writing extensively on a lot of the points he made in the video outside the new military rule change, I get pennies for all that hard work proving the stuff he speaks of, and you get nearly nine bucks for posting his video of stuff I've been talking about for the last six or less years. It's why this site can't keep people.

I can appreciate your sense of the matter. I have dabbled in developing professional skill in writing, but find I prefer to just dump whatever I'm thinking instead of actually working to properly phrase and format the output. I'm aware this limits my earnings, and I don't only mean on Hive, but life is about quality and more money doesn't always improve our enjoyment.

I'm confident your research and understanding isn't undertaken because your purpose is to earn money, but because you want to know what you gain understanding of by doing that work. If you also intend to earn money from writing about your research you can develop skill at writing to do so. I'm not likely to be a reasonable target to surpass, as there are plenty of bigger fish to fry here, and a lot of venues for earning from writing.

Edit: Here may be dragons:

Riper, fatter targets than me, whom at least shares some interest in substantive topics with you. If you really want tokens it appears you should write about walking around, or cooking, or cover some old song.

@valued-customer, I paid out 0.547 HIVE and 0.103 HBD to reward 9 comments in this discussion thread.

Whoever wins kicks off martial law.

I guess there won't be a second American Civil War!
By the way, Joseph, who lives in Oregon, said Trump will become president.Dear @valued-customer !

I was surprised by Joseph's words because I believe Trump is not a Christian!
I believe religion is irrelevant to politicians and businessmen, but I don't think Trump has any personal achievements that are worthy of respect!

By the way, I wonder why white men like Joseph support Trump.
What do you think is the reason?
Many East Asian men assume that white men support him because Trump advocates white supremacy!

If you think my writing is dangerous, I will delete it immediately!

I hope your health and long life!

Many Americans support ending the descent into Communist Totalitarianism ongoing that Vice President Harris will certainly continue. What other option do they have? They do not realize the USA is ruled by a uniparty, that there is no reason to choose Republicrats over Demoblicans because the policies of both parties serve their actual leaders, the investors in BlackRock who are in process of conquering the world. To conquer the world all the extant countries of the world must fail, and this is why the USA is being destroyed by it's government.

Trump, lying as all politicians do, says he'll stop it. But what he'll do is he'll advance some of it's policies that haven't been undertaken by the Biden administration, such as biometric ID, martial law, and etc. Each of the parties advances the policies of the uniparty in turns, and both of them together implement all the policies of the BlackRock investors.

Trump doesn't advocate any race. Ask your E. Asian compatriots to cite an example of Trump advocating or implementing any policy of white supremacy. They will not be able to provide any example, but will say that the media told them there were some. Black men support Trump overwhelmingly, for the same reasons white men support Trump: they believe his lies and don't understand he's been a Democrat all his adult life until he switched to the Republican Party to run for President, or that both parties serve the same masters.


Trump doesn't advocate any race. Ask your E. Asian compatriots to cite an example of Trump advocating or implementing any policy of white supremacy. They will not be able to provide any example, but will say that the media told them there were some. Black men support Trump overwhelmingly, for the same reasons white men support Trump: they believe his lies and don't understand he's been a Democrat all his adult life until he switched to the Republican Party to run for President, or that both parties serve the same masters.

I appreciate you being so kind and not offended by my awkward English!
I'm not sure if I understood your excellent English sentences, but I'll tell you honestly what I think!Dear @valued-customer !

Many East Asian men believe that working-class white Americans support Trump.
Perhaps America's white working class has a fear of manufactured goods produced in East Asia, including China.

Many American workers lost their jobs and suffered economic hardship because of East Asian manufactured goods imported into the United States.
So, they will assume that East Asians are a threat to America.

They may believe that white people should have a superior social status than East Asians.
I speculated that working class Americans would be more likely to attack East Asians.

Many East Asians assume that white working-class Americans are hostile to East Asians and advocate white supremacy.
So, I believe Trump is implementing white supremacist policies at the behest of white workers.

I hope you don't get offended by my awkward English sentences!

I hope your health and long life!

"...Trump is implementing white supremacist policies at the behest of white workers."

Trump could not care less about white workers. He serves Zionist banksters with total devotion. The purpose to deceive in order to weaken the West enough to facilitate it's conquest by banksters is his geas, and in the view of banksters every ethnic group, culture, and human society other than Zionists are equally chattel and necessary to genocide to the point that whatever survivors remain are sufficient to provide slaves to the masters and incapable of more.

No political rhetoric has any basis in fact and all of it is intended to deceive it's audience so they can be conquered, and this particularly includes Trump's. E. Asians well demonstrate the domesticated state of humanity and the suitability of extant human societies to the animal husbandry that has enabled psychopathic banksters to reign in sybaritic luxury for all of human history. The concept of sovereignty is incomprehensible to the majority of humanity, who are obligate chattel. They cannot conceive of society without overlords as anything but Stone age savagery, because they cannot understand they themselves are sovereign.

Si piensa como Maduro así va a ser,

Unfortunately, the candidates are just minions of their masters. They just do as they're told.


Yeah, I see the Ron Paul video on this a few days ago - he seemed surprised, saying how he thought it was probably something that was maybe fake at first - but then he read it, found out it was true. He looked surprised, and could not believe it. Strange timing with that. I was supposed to include it in my video today, but was trying to get the Paul clip, which I lost. I'll play it in the next one.

I saw that too. That's when I believed it was real, when they showed the text in the document. I don't think they arrogate these powers to themselves for no reason, and there's no good reason to do this, only very bad ones.


The fact is, it has come to this. If you are taken in by the forces that are playing out above your head and you have to decide who should rule you in a martial way, because it will always be someone, then you choose the one that you suspect will prevent the greater evil. Sure, hardship will come upon you anyway. No idea if you will have civil unrest, you Americans at least have the image - and many of you are armed.

Since it will never be the case that nobody goes to the polls, you just go to the polls, even if you don't see much point in it. It's more realistic than wishing the media circus would stop. As the bread and circuses are to continue, they will continue. We are all part of it, whether we like it or not.

The situation here is similar, although not quite as polarised on the face of it. The alternative party that has been fought against here for ten years is a beacon of hope. And as much as we may exalt ourselves over such beacons of hope, they are in a way players who see the harsh reality, speak out about it and are therefore demonised by the establishment and their followers. I often perceive them as having quite a sense of humor. I find in some republicans the same way of humor, more than in democrats. That does not mean that they are all nice but at least likeable. In times where it is hard to find such personalities, one is grateful for what one finds.

This is the story of humanity as a whole and, as always, it will come to an end in one way or another. Some wish for such an end quickly because they fear a horror without end the other way round. But it is also a fact that there are people who neither recognise the horror, nor see it, nor fear it. Because they have united with what others perceive as absolute evil.

"This is the story of humanity as a whole..."

It is the history of humanity, and history only begins after records begin being kept. History does not include the hundreds of millennia that people lived prior to the advent of agriculture that enabled overlords to parasitize collective labor. Centralization enabled overlords, war, and political power. Decentralization didn't before agriculture arose, and won't when tech advance enables people to themselves produce the blessings of civilization.

You have previously expressed a lack of interest in technological matters, which I can understand. However it is relevant to political power because decentralization of the means of production prevents parasitization of the production of collective labor, because it doesn't require collective labor. When someone makes something they use, there is no profit taken by some capitalist, no taxable event that funds government. The maker keeps what they make, and only they gain the benefit of their productivity. They can share their wealth with whom they choose, but not be robbed of it by overlords. This decentralization is the cutting edge of tech advance in every field of industry. The most advanced tech is the most productive, and outcompetes less productive tech. It is important to understand these principles to understand politics, war, and power today, because these facts cause increasing desperation of overlords who are accelerating the conquest of the world as quickly as possible before their wealth declines and becomes inadequate to achieve that conquest.

The story of humanity as a whole is in process. The end hasn't been written because we're not extinct. After the Younger Dryas caused the extinction of 77 genera of megafauna the food sources that provided thousands of meals with one kill were gone. Humanity was forced to slave away nurturing plants and adopt agriculture, and that created centralization some ten or so millennia ago. Before that, for all the hundreds of millennia that people lived, they were relatively equal, because no one could parasitize collective labor beyond harvesting a mammoth, and people could just go kill another mammoth and avoid dependence on any potential overlord. After we become able to ourselves produce the blessings of modern civil society using distributed table top tech, that relative egalitarian society will again be possible, and the sybaritic wealth overlords desperately seek to maintain, that is the source of their political power, will no longer be able to be parasitized by centralizing production.

Our natural state isn't chattel to overlords. This is a temporary transition from Stone age to Space age technology, and that technological transition is largely complete. We continue to develop and distribute the infrastructure of decentralization, but economically that process began long ago, and approaches the tipping point, the clinal boundary after which it becomes an irreversible state. The story our posterity will read will be of their own sovereignty and the temporary subjugation of humanity for a few millennia under psychopathic overlords that strove to prevent humanity from escaping their control, unsuccessfully. If the story ever ends and the final chapter is written, the vast majority of the tale will be about egalitarian societies and human sovereignty, not sheeple husbanded by profiteers.


I was not referring to the prehistory of mankind. We don't know prehistory because we have no records. We have architectural artefacts, for example, and our interpretations of them, the oldest ‘records’ of our existence. I wasn't talking about the end of all humanity, I wouldn't speculate on that. But a third world war would certainly result in the end of most of us, for example.

This decentralization is the cutting edge of tech advance in every field of industry.

Please give me three concrete examples from industry that are one hundred percent decentralised or where the means of production are completely self-sufficient and without the use of collectively performed work (including how these products reach you). Just briefly, please.

"...the means of production are completely self-sufficient and without the use of collectively performed work (including how these products reach you)."

Of course I didn't say such had happened. Decentralization hasn't finished rolling out. "We continue to develop and distribute the infrastructure of decentralization, but economically that process began long ago..." There isn't a switch that flips and everything suddenly becomes completely 100% decentralized and all centralized production ends. There is a gradual roll out of infrastructure as tech advance enables higher productivity at end points than collective labor can compete with.

The erosion of the mechanisms that enable investors to extract wealth from production gradually reduces their take, and wherever individuals produce their own goods and services they retain the full value of their production. This transition increases daily the wealth retained by such individuals as the infrastructure rolls out, and becomes more advanced and increases productivity more.

It is entirely possible to mine, smelt, and produce iron alone. However this isn't the most productive way to make iron today, because that tech hasn't advanced to the point it is more profitable to do so than it is to make iron in a mill using collective labor. But there are products it is more profitable to take a collectively mined resource and fabricate an end product yourself, particularly when bespoke products tailored to the needs of the consumer are possible. Increasingly modern circuit boards and electronics, for example, aren't designed in a Chinese factory and mass produced because small manufacturers of circuit boards enable people to order a small run of boards to be printed that they then use to manufacture devices themselves, such as motors, radios, or any of the myriad electronic devices today possible.

Because such small manufacturers don't have to buy 100k circuit boards and sell a product to the mass market, but can make 20 cameras or stepper motors for their own use, this new DIY production reduces centralization and improves productivity at the same time, and businesses like PCBway, that produce such small orders of custom circuit boards, also decentralize the economy, not being corporations owned by investors, but are small privately held shops that don't pay dividends to investors. They still pay taxes on their profits, so the decentralization isn't complete, but it is more decentralized than the electronics market was before. This shift in wealth resulting from greater decentralization gradually reduces the wealth of the investor class, and increases the wealth of smaller producers, private parties like PCBway, and their market isn't Dell or IBM but individuals or other small companies making products for their own use, or for a small market.

This is what's ongoing, and it's happening in agriculture, transportation, communications, construction, and every field of industry.


I was just watching an Academic Agent video on the uniparty and a commenter nailed it, 'it's already a zionist uniparty'...All they are doing with this move is making it uglier and official.
I give my 2 cents on it in the blog I just posted.

Things are about to get... Interesting.

'May you live in interesting times.' is a curse, not a blessing.


I do fear for the future more and more as the insanity gets worse. It certainly feels like that’s what the intended emotion and outcome is but time will tell.

I have learned to embrace fear, to consider it my most trusted adviser, because it warns me when I am in danger. This is useful because when I heed my fear, I am advised to take action to secure myself from danger. Then I am no longer afraid, because I am no longer in danger.

If you feel fear it is because you are in danger, and need to take actions to secure yourself from that danger.


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