The IDF kills more children in Gaza than adults.

in #life6 months ago

Ann Skelton, President of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, points out that more children are killed by IDF attacks in Gaza than adults. Children can't run as fast, can't decide themselves to flee their home if there is an impending attack, and don't understand danger or ways to mitigate it as well as adults. These things compound the danger they face from their homes and care settings being targeted by the IDF during missile or air strikes, but it has become clear that the IDF deliberately targets children, with many dead children shot by snipers in the head, which means they were purposely killed by shooters that identified them clearly.

Dr. Fozia Alvi is confronted with these victims daily.

“They were not able to talk, paraplegic. They were literally lying down as vegetables on those beds. They were not the only ones. I saw even small children with direct sniper shot wounds to the head as well as in the chest. They were not combatants, they were small children...”

IMG source - (

For folks that only know what we are told about this 'war' being waged in Gaza by the IDF, because we aren't there and don't see ourselves what is being done, such reports are extremely alarming. No reason possible for the targeting of children by snipers might justify such acts of violence. Not only is deliberately murdering children by shooting them a crime against humanity under any conditions, it demonstrates that the IDF has deployed sufficient resources to commit slaughter of non-militant people, even defenseless little children, rather than waging a war against military combatants.

For non-Jews (Goyim, or animals according to Talmudic religious doctrines) this psychopathic violence reveals that they and their children will be so targeted by the IDF, as soon as the Palestinians in Gaza have been finished off. The Talmudic doctrine lumps all non-Jews into the same category as livestock, and incites it's adherents to completely eradicate populations of Goyim globally, leaving only enough survivors to provide 20 slaves for each Jew to profit from via domestic or commercial labor. They're on a roll, and they're going to keep going until they're stopped.

As goes Gaza, so goes the world. Every penny provided the IDF to commit these atrocities is funding the genocidal slaughter and enslavement of humanity, and that includes specifically Americans that provide most of the funds Israel spends on violent murder of it's victims, in Gaza, and, as soon as they have taken Gazans' lives, property, and possessions, America, Europe, and the rest of the world.

The support of the USG for Israel is support for genociding Americans and everyone on Earth. That is the obscene reality of the infiltration of the federal government by Israeli contractors, lobbyists, and technology used to surveil and track people by their cell phones (which are now shown to be bombs because of their lithium ion batteries that cannot be removed Mossad can detonate at will by hacking the battery management software to cause them to overheat) and other use of technology. The political corruption of American government that has been effected through blackmail, particularly by enslaving children that are pimped to politicians and powerful business people, famous entertainers, and bureaucrats in government agencies, has been ongoing for decades, generations even, through intelligence agencies using deranged psychopaths like Roy Cohn, Jeffery Epstein, and Sean 'P Diddy' Coombs, who is today all over the news for raping and blackmailing civilians and government officials by drugging them and recording their rapes.

IMG source - Yandex Search "Roy Cohn Blackmail"

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This, not democratic elections, is how political power is wielded in America at the federal, state, and regional levels. This ability to ignore the popular will is how VP Kamala Harris has become the nominee of the Democratic Party without ever once being nominated by the voters to the federal office she now holds, or as the nominee for office in the upcoming election. As terrible as the Machiavellian manipulation of democratic election processes are that have installed Harris as the heir apparent of the Democratic machine, the pandering to Talmudic supremacists by Donald Trump is even worse. Rather than simply being manipulated into supporting genocide and enslavement of humanity to such psychopathic monsters, Trump deliberately and enthusiastically participates in developing and imposing Talmudic overlords in and around Israel, and the rest of the world.

Despite the utterly baseless political progaganda accusing Trump of being a Russian spy and asset, in fact Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are both agents of Talmudic cultists, as Trump openly admits, and Putin demonstrates by his circle of fellow kleptocratic oligarchs.

IMG source - the memesphere

This demonstrates that there is no political solution that can prevent the corruption of the USG, the EU, the UN, or any national government in the world, because the blackmail evidence of horrific crimes against humanity that has been developed by spooks using stables of millions of enslaved children sacrificed to create existential threats against everyone who is anyone everywhere in the world using drugs and every technological psych mechanism such covert actors have discovered with infinite financial resources for centuries makes their victims' lives dependent on that evidence remaining secret. This is why none of that evidence from Epstein's career has been, or will ever be, published. As long as it's secret, it is an unbreakable lock on power over polities and the populations of the world. If any of it becomes known to the public, the lives of the extortion victims are forfeit, because the outrageous and horrific crimes that have been engineered by spooks will cause mobs to tear them limb from limb.

The IDF and Diddy are agencies of a global cabal intent on murdering all humanity, enslaving any survivors, and taking everything of value without exception. There are no moral or ethical curbs whatsoever the psychopaths are limited by. Without conscience, psychopaths feel no mercy, have no compunctions, do not love, fear, or care about anyone or anything. They are not like you. You cannot project your worldview into their heads and understand why they are doing what they do. They are like sharks, feeding on prey is all they are capable of.

As unlikely as it may seem from these facts, these maniacs and madmen are doomed to failure, although not until they have caused inconceivable suffering and harm to humanity. The reason is that they are broken, not perfected. They cannot share, cannot conceive of limits on their own power. Just as they cooperate with each other to attain to power, they will compete with one another for that power once we are destroyed. They cannot play nice and share their toys. They are only capable of taking everything they can, and once we're out of the way, they'll take from each other until everything and everyone is possessed by the most cruel, violent, and vicious killer of them all.

This is a fatal weakness that makes competent, normally socialized people able to defeat them with mutual love and trust that enables civil society to defend themselves from such evil. It will be extraordinary people that go to extraordinary measures that will survive and eliminate the threat to humanity. More ordinary folks like me will have to demonstrate absolute reliability and utility in creating the necessary social, commercial, and security structures the extraordinary will need, but the power of civil society is dependent on good people working together because of love and affection for each other, which enables greater internal security and trust than is potential to any other mechanism or values that exist. We often think of the natural world as 'dog eat dog' competition, raw and unrelenting warfare between predators and their prey in which the most ruthless killers inevitably win, but this is not the reality of ecological development.

Ecology and economy are only possible through balanced interdependence - something raw predation cannot create. We think of sharks as killing machines made of meat without any restrictions on their predation except the power of their bite and the size of their stomach, but in fact sharks have very particular niches that do restrict their diets and taking of prey. The Killer Whales are divisible into three different cultural groups: one that feeds on marine mammals, one that feeds on fishes, and another that are nomadic generalists. Similarly even sharks divide amongst their species what they will or won't eat, where they will or won't eat, and etc. Unrestrained predation simply doesn't exist in the natural world because such predators destroy the ecosystem upon which all life is dependent. It is well understood in biology that if a species spikes in population, it's predators respond by also increasing in number until balance is restored.

Just as psychopaths create imbalance by aggrandizing themselves alone and forcing civil society to impose limits on them they cannot themselves. The more this cabal succeeds in genociding societies and peoples, the more the survivors become competent to secure themselves and their resources against predation and destruction. This happens by default, as the less competent go down, the more competent remain. Intelligent management is ongoing, and while the incompetent cannot manage it, they can participate and contribute to it through being reliable and trustworthy to be directed by them competent to manage security and commercial enterprises. We mere plebs don't have to find such extraordinary leaders. We just have to be trustworthy and reliable contributors to civil society and those leaders will take us in because we are what they will need to create nominally robust civil societies to outcompete the cabal of psychopaths.

That does not mean to be profitable, independent of society, or walled off from our neighbors and communities. It means the very opposite, being dedicated to our communities prosperity, integral to our neighborhoods and families, and willing and able to give out of love and affection every bit as we are able to produce goods and services. When we love our neighbors as ourselves we become the fundamental resource robust and secure civil society must have to survive the coming democidal catastrophe, the imposition of the terrorism suffered in Gaza across the world.

Profiteers are not either beneficial in such circumstances, nor tolerable. Neither will networks of profiteers arise to compete with the extant cabal, for the very reasons I have stated above. Profiteers, like psychopaths, can only take from society, and eventually must either abandon profiteering to maintain civil society or attempt to become The Overlord of all, and every one that does so will fail, except the one that succeeds, of course - but their very success at destroying everyone in their way will destroy them, because they will have nothing and no one left to rule.

This catastrophe is developing right now. The foundations of the survival of such civil society that will persist are formed, or are being formed. If you will survive you will begin right away to become a valuable contributor that can provide strength instead of extracting all you can for your benefit. The balls are in motion and you will demonstrate either your indispensability to society by being devoted to it, or that you are an insuperable burden societies facing existential threats cannot bear.

Be the character that everyone wants in their lives if you want to survive what is coming. Be excellent to one another and build that civil society that will survive and prosper.


For non-Jews (Goyim, or animals according to Talmudic religious doctrines) this psychopathic violence reveals that they and their children will be so targeted by the IDF, as soon as the Palestinians in Gaza have been finished off. The Talmudic doctrine lumps all non-Jews into the same category as livestock, and incites it's adherents to completely eradicate populations of Goyim globally, leaving only enough survivors to provide 20 slaves for each Jew to profit from via domestic or commercial labor. They're on a roll, and they're going to keep going until they're stopped.

As goes Gaza, so goes the world. Every penny provided the IDF to commit these atrocities is funding the genocidal slaughter and enslavement of humanity, and that includes specifically Americans that provide most of the funds Israel spends on violent murder of it's victims, in Gaza, and, as soon as they have taken Gazans' lives, property, and possessions, America, Europe, and the rest of the world.

Why do you think America and Europe created Israel?
I believe that the birth of Israel is a legacy of the Crusades.Dear @valued-customer !

I remember the history that since Mohammed created Islam, Islam started a war of aggression to conquer Europe.

I suspect that the current existence of Israel is what is preventing Türkiye, Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia from re-creating the Islamic empires of the Middle Ages.

When I looked at Jewish history, Torah, religion, and culture, I found Jews fascinating!

Do you remember that Jesus, Peter, John, and Paul were Jews?

So, I have always been very interested and fascinated by Jewish history, Torah, culture, religion, people, and life!

I believe that the apostles Peter and Paul first created Christianity in Europe!

I believe that the ancient Jews who created Christianity in Europe and the Jews who currently live in Israel are completely different races!

"Why do you think America and Europe created Israel?"

A business center for military contractors. Zionism is primarily driven by financial insterests, utterly contrary to Judaism (as Hasidi constantly protest and point out). Israel leverages the financial potential of Islamic Jihad, as you point out, with the contribution of Xtian Evangelicals, on the foundation of Zionist global conquest that serially postures as allied to this or that but will doublecross them all at the drop of a hat when doing so advances global Zionist conquest.

"I believe that the ancient Jews who created Christianity in Europe and the Jews who currently live in Israel are completely different races!"

You are absolutely correct historically and genetically. The majority of 'Jews' today are AshkeNazis, genetically of Slavic derivation and firmly ruling Israel. Real Bibi Netanyahu is Polish and real name is Mileikowsky...

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in fact Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are both agents of Talmudic cultists

"Talmudic Cultists."
In other words, "Jews." It's easier when you subhuman pieces of Neo-Nazi trash put your hatred of Jews on such open display like this. What I find hilarious though, is that less than a year ago you were openly praising Putin for sending openly professed NAzi units such as Wagner and Rusich on his crusade against what you laughably called "Zionazis (I love the irony of you putting your Nazi-esque hatred of Jews on display while accusing the Jews of being Nazis)" and two years before that you were insisting Donald Trump was "America's only hope."
Pro-tip: Pick one piece of fanatical dogma and stick with it. That way your critics have to undercut your thesis themselves, instead of you doing it for them.

I had fun tossing a few thousand of your fellow Nazis from ruZZistan (or what was left of them after we scraped their guts off the inside of their tanks) into an ignominious unmarked mass grave yesterday. Tomorrow we're building a latrine on top of it, so you can dig through it later to collect more talking points.

Keep your lies far from my blog. You're just spam. Don't come here, don't mention me. Keep your lies wherever you lurk, anywhere not here, where I don't have to suffer them.