Sudden Eruption of Red Flags Before the US Election

in #life5 months ago

IMG source -
Red flags have suddenly popped up right before the looming Presidential election fraud in the USA. The rapid collapse of support for the coup candidate Kamala Harris is accompanied by increasingly desperate alarm from the corporate propagandists promoting the globalist agenda, and crowing from independent media opposing it. Trump voters happy about him polling higher are convinced he'll win - the betting markets by a 20% margin - but that expectation neglects the Democrats hold power because the last election was provably fraudulent, and the incumbents are the most corrupt administration America has ever suffered. They're not going to play fair and are hell bent on remaining in power. Ballot boxes are being set afire in the PNW further disabling trust in the election and disrupting early voting, while a local TV station in Pennsylvania ran election results showing Harris and Democrats winning decisively, despite the election being a week off and Trump leading in the polls.

Congress has put forth a COG (Continuity of Government) amendment to rapidly replace legislators in the event of a mass casualty event(s). This sudden rush to legislatively prepare for a problem that has never occurred before strongly suggests that legislation is being rushed because those planning to commit mass casualty event(s) want COG. That is something a party seeking to commit a coup to retain power despite losing an election would want. The US military has defied Posse Comitatus and illegally arrogated to itself the authority to conduct intelligence operations and participate in law enforcement actions, including using lethal force against American civilians in America, which suggests the nature of the mass casualty events that legislation is preparing for. The US DOD conceived the plandemic and contracted Pfizer to produce the jabs, from which tens of millions of people have died so far, so the US military is already causing mass casualties, including Americans on American soil. They've just been spread out over a couple years and and across the planet, and killed with jabs instead of guns. Killing people is what militaries are for, and we have seriously erred in letting our dogs of war off their leads. The US military is more openly participating in Israeli attacks in the Middle East, and in the Ukraine, courting direct response from the countries suffering those attacks, whose militaries are another possible vector of mass casualty events the party in power could expect and be planning to use to retain power (forcing civil war right as WWIII goes hot) regardless of election results.

Speaking of the biowarfare plandemic, Slovakia has banned the jabs, rightly calling the plandemic bioterrorism, and a large part of Idaho has removed them from it's health clinics, a director calling them democide. The same just happened in W. Australia in Port Hedland, and Japan beat the rush months ago. Bill Gates himself has been ordered by the Leeuwarden District Court in the Netherlands to appear in person to defend against charges of crimes against humanity for his lies about the jabs, and this is just the beginning of the list of genocidal profiteers that are liable to be held to account on that score. The court has named a few others, like Albert Bourla and Mark Rutte. If the NWO doesn't force populations to attend to other matters, many of the minions of the BlackRock investors that have been integral to pushing the plandemic are going to be hanged, as they should be. I'm sure Kill Gates considers this a time sensitive and urgent matter, but if the investors need to keep people busy for a while they can count on Nuremberg II trials to do so, and they have German attorney Reiner Fuellmich in the batter's cage (held on misdemeanor charges easily brushed aside) ready to spring the mountains of evidence he's collected holding hearings on the matter for years.

Something that really gets the hair up on the back of my neck is the apparent silence from the blackshirts of the Fascist government, Antifa, BLM, and militant pederasts. Ordinarily during the run up to an election we'd be hearing ever more strident threats from these direct action forces, and their silence screams that they are busily doing something else, like preparing for war. China is also very quiet, as far as the corporate media is concerned, although they're encircling Taiwan with warships, seemingly preparatory to an embargo, or worse, an invasion. I dunno what the US could do about it. The Houthis are kicking our ass in the Red Sea with drones made of sticks and string.

Multiple assassination attempts have been made on the opposition candidate, former President Donald Trump (really showcasing his acting chops), and some of the most powerful administration propagandists have literally denied they occurred. Trump himself is uncharacteristically quiet about them, when his bombastic and caustic manner would lead me to expect him to trumpet those attempts to kill him to gain more passionate support, already a cult of personality. Multiple former Democrats have since joined the Trump campaign in rapid succession, making the Republican Party the OG Democrat Party (Trump himself was a lifelong Democrat before running for President as a Republican), and leaving actual Republicans excluded from the new Overton window that has shifted so far to the left that Socialist Bernie Sanders is now considered a Centrist. The insane political sea change that has occurred in America in a decade is without precedent in history, and hasn't been undertaken whimsically but has been driven as far and hard as psyops spooks could push it. The sudden replacement of the Republican Party leadership with lifelong Democrats is telling in that forced shift. Oddly, it is the youngest Americans that most oppose it, despite they've never known anything else, proving these deranged policies are contrary to human nature and didn't arise organically. The bizarre indoctrination destroying mom, apple pie and the American way has reached full Weimar proportions, and the inevitable backlash from such degeneracy is ripe for the picking. American kids don't know anything about RWDS's either, and how that backlash with fascist totalitarians on each opposing side ends up looking like Gaza, because both sides utterly dehumanize each other and will wage total war.

IMG source - David Horsey (interesting how the totalitarian left protrays the neo-Republican Party, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK, and Elon Musk, all recently Democrats, as rampaging barbarians tearing down traditional civilized society, but when you listen to them explain why they joined the Republican Party it is because the Democratic Party is destroying the social compact and fundamental American traditions)

The Presidential election in 2020 was blatantly fraudulent, and the American people just sat there and took it, kept quiet by the faint protest from the defrauded candidate, Donald Trump, and cowed by the tyranny imposed during the plandemic. The failure of the OG Democrat, Republicans, to effectively redress that election theft illustrates the reality of the uniparty being imposed on the American people. There is no longer a right wing in American politics, but a totalitarian left is exactly the same as a totalitarian right functionally, so we ended up right where the NWO wants us: teetering on the edge of a failed state and collapsed empire, ready for one world government.

FEMA has again demonstrated it's dedication to making the consequences of disasters worse, with tens of thousands of eyewitness reports that FEMA was seizing donations and blocking volunteers from distributing them in N. Carolina and Tennessee. FEMA's now being reported by whistleblowers to be coordinating the US participation (federal forces only) in an international mpox pandemic drill, while the Biden administration is about to assent to the global plandemic treaty that allows the WHO to declare emergencies for whatever it cares to call a medical disaster, such as poor school lunches, or gang wars in Chicongo. It seems that these FEMA drills are always happening right when the exact false flag occurs. FEMA has been allocated more than a billion dollars to settle illegal immigrants, which it has been doing while leaving American civilians to rot after Hurricane Helene. Another massive wave of illegals is headed for the border, a last burst of recruits for the Leftist subversion machine that has shifted into overdrive just before the election, probably all jabbed up and ready to burst into dripping pustules. Monkeypox has been shown to be Herpes Zoster, shingles, triggered by the jabs. Do you think they can trigger it at will, with a specific EMF signal? I think we're about to find out they can, just as soon as FEMA ships a few new voters to swing states.

Something about all this coming to a head just as this election is about to be stolen makes my spidey sense tingle. Things are not all right. They aren't going well from our perspective, and it's all about to hit the fan. Stock up on durable foods and ammo before the election. Hopefully this fist in my gut is just gas from the bugburgers I had for dinner, and I'm blowing smoke up your skirt.

I have a feeling I'm not, but I really hope I am.


Trump himself is uncharacteristically quiet about them

yes, thank you for saying that I thought I was all alone in being suspicious about Trump's letting this blow over so easily. This is where my spidey senses kicked into overdrive.

The Presidential election in 2020 was blatantly fraudulent, and the American people just sat there and took it, kept quiet by the faint protest from the defrauded candidate, Donald Trump, and cowed by the tyranny imposed during the plandemic.

A great many think the claims of fraud are lunacy, that the election was on the up and up. I asked one of them if she could be sure Harris would concede if it were clear that she had lost, and she thought I was nuts, that of course the Biden admin would concede. I think it far more likely that they will not, and that the scenario you speak of above will throw the US into chaos, and that the Dems will be the ones using military might, along lethal force, in order to remain in office.

Let's hope we are both wrong, just catastrophizing. Again.

Very few people have the ability to research the facts of these matters. Trump apprenticed to Roy Cohn, who confessed to being a pimp of children to blackmail the powerful before he died in 1986, and then Trump took up with Jeffery Epstein. Trump wasn't learning the real estate business from them, but their trade, which he mastered, taking over the business from his former mentor Epstein whom was killed under Trump's protection. These facts are horribly unsavory, and Trump supporters become furious when confronted by them because they need to believe America can be great and have never imagined themselves being the agents of that greatness. They have been taught the herd follows the great leader, and that they aren't that leader.

Biden and Harris supporters similarly need to have faith in their great leaders, and the facts of the corruption revealed in Hunter's laptop and the coup that put Harris up as their candidate induce cognitive dissonance no less powerful and maddening to them than Trump's mastery of blackmail is to their opponents. Good people project their goodness, and only existential hazard will shock them hard enough to dispel their ignorance. The truth that all the political power wielded in America today is a uniparty, revealed by the sudden conquest of the Republican party by former Democrats, breaks the illusion voting between them is meaningful.

By far the majority are ignorant of these facts, and this makes the NWO an almost invisible threat to which they are blinded by their trust. The US military contracting Pfizer to produce the jabs breaks the hearts and minds of every American patriot, because that lays the burden on Americans to secure themselves their lives and sovereignty from our own sons and daughters in service to the corruption that has infiltrated every agency, bureaucracy, and institution all of us have depended on to make America great. Our betrayal, like all treachery, is bitter indeed, and worse, a terrifying and deadly threat daunting to face that has already taken tens of millions of lives.

Violence, terror, grief, and destruction are about to be unleashed on America and the world, and there is no cure for it but the valor and courage of the American people, who have been indoctrinated all their lives to believe they are incapable of it. We are far more than we know, much greater than the trials we face. We will only understand this truth when we face it and our exigency strips away every excuse, doubt, and pretense. For better or worse we are the wall between global tyranny and the freedom and felicity of humanity, and as Americans our greatness will be thrust upon us because we are sufficient to the burden.

We who have already shed our illusions must be gentle to those grieving the loss of theirs, so we can steady them when we together take our stand against tyranny and defend our freedom with our lives.

Good people project their goodness, and only existential hazard will shock them hard enough to dispel their ignorance.

Do you not think we have had plenty of this already? Perhaps only a few of us, so far, have shed our illusions, and it will have to get much worse for others to follow.

That's exactly what I think. It will take life or death exigency for many. Realizing everything they ever believed in was a lie will deeply distress them that survive being betrayed by institutions and people they believed in all their lives. There will be a lot of shock and grief - and a lot of rage. There will also be a lot of people that just can't believe it, that refuse to believe it, until it's too late. Too many.

Too many who are important to me, I'm afraid. And I know they will blame me, not any agency or entity of their government.

All we can do is our best to speak the truth and to help others to thrive to the best of their abilities. If people can't prosper or accept their personal responsibility, there's not much we can do to change that. It is so sad that people we care about need to fix blame on the blameless. They must be incapable of independent thought to do that, I think.

they do not think independent thought is valuable, or valid. Straight party line thinkers. The left seems far worse than the right for this. They all think nearly exactly alike about all things. All things. It's bizarre. The right accepts a range of thinking as valid.

Dear @valued-customer !

Joseph, who lives in Oregon, wants Trump to become president.
I guess you think like Joseph! Do you think Harris is left wing?

"I guess you think like Joseph! Do you think Harris is left wing?"

I don't agree with Joseph. I voted for Dr. Shiva Ayyudurai, because he's the only anti-Zionist candidate, and Oregon is going to provide Harris 8 electoral college votes no matter who I vote for so I am voting my conscience.

I believe Harris has no personal beliefs, so isn't anything but an opportunist that is supported by Commies so says whatever Commies want her to say to gain that support. I also am confident that the BlackRock investors that really rule the world are extremely intelligent, but they are psychopaths unable to understand empathy and the mutual affection society is based on. They understand how to deceive people though, and make effective plans to do that on a mass scale, and I think they are doing that.

I believe them when they tell us they want to rule the world, and are using the plandemic to conquer it. That's what the 'Great Reset' is, after all, a global revolution. I think they're going to use all the mechanisms I mentioned in the OP (and more) to cause the American polity to collapse, using Americans to cause that collapse because we're the only thing powerful enough to do that. I have seen a lot of other information published in the last couple days that confirms that expectation. You might be very happy you didn't immigrate to the USA last year very soon, because I think there's going to be a lot of American blood in the streets before January 6th, 2025.

There's no way the Democrats are going to let voters decide if they get to keep political control of the US government. Everything I have seen reveals they are determined to keep that control they have, and to increase it without limitation, no matter what it takes to do so.

Pray for America and it's people. But what we really need right now is money, guns, and lawyers.


@valued-customer, I paid out 0.602 HIVE and 0.106 HBD to reward 6 comments in this discussion thread.

Truth seekers and rebels alike, I feel, will be facing the same dilemma the gnostics had in olden times.

We will be hunted down.

Today we feel like the hunted, trying to keep from getting doxed and canceled, but we outnumber them 100:1.
