The Secret and Explicit Goals and Deeds of the Zionists has been discovered in some dusty vault and finally released to the public. I am learning much from it, to my surprise. I am being enlightened as to understanding that underlay policies of the USSR, and of the US and the West towards it, first of all. However, this is from having watched less than 10% of the hour and a half runtime. While I can't speak to the rest as I haven't yet seen it, what I have seen has been informative enough that I think it's valuable to any that take the time to learn from it. Even if it turns to crap the informed exposition of the first 15 minutes is valuable enough.
Lately I have been challenged in discussions of my views, and just libeled and derided by Zionists outright. I weary of the laborious disputations that either must bring others up to speed on what I have learned - which has taken me a lifetime of errors and accidents to apprise me of - or, in such cases where Zionists have been indoctrinated from birth and cannot be reasonable, must be countered in their fallacious claims to set the record straight. At least those that stoop to libelous ad hominems can simply be ignored where they don't intrude on my felicitous enjoyment of my fortune and freedom, and need only discouragement from disturbing my peace when they do. I think that all those that suspect my views are mistaken regarding polities central to current events will profit from seeing the linked content. In fact, I suspect everyone will.
Even the first ~15 minutes has been eye-opening for me, and I have, as I said, been learning from my mistakes for more than 50 years on these matters. The whole video I expect to be very beneficial and informative for me, that had I seen and understood it decades ago I might have escaped much sorrow and suffering I have instead endured. In the interests of your own felicity I commend it to you, that you might benefit from it as I believe I would have, had I only known of it.
I couldn't watch the video;( But I googled some info about this topic.
The topic of Zionism is that one that is used to be discussed in whisper as a rule;))
In fact, my hubby's relatives live in Israel, they lived in Russia for many years (a man is Jewish, a wife is Russian), but they moved to Israel many years ago. And yeah...Zionism has a great power, because their outlook and atittude to Russia (their ex-Motherland) was changed completely. To bad side, of course. And despite great problems they have living in Israel, despite many disadvantages in comparison with Russia they have left, they still are sure they're winners and the best.
Just like many emigrants say btw.
I appreciate your contribution of additional information.
Interesting video this that you've shared with us today my friend. I had not seen it and I certainly found it quite revealing. And what I also found quite interesting and revealing. Has been how the Zionist postulates were so easily adopted and executed by the Nazi regime too. Well, judging by what these five snapshots below show.
So, even though I suspect that this information that I'm gonna share with you below, you already knew it. As additional and complementary information to the video you have shared with us and for the benefit of your audience. I think I will also recommend taking a look at two other famous documentaries such as: 1) "The Eternal Jew" and 2) "Europa: The last battle" which I imagine might help us tie up loose ends more easily. };)
I have had to work, and my need to focus on the subtitles has caused me to take until the present to finish watching the video I posted. What I note, and you also demonstrate understanding here above, is that such facts as emerge from the USSR produced video, the goals of Zionazis and their deeds, have not changed one iota.
Yeah, and not only they have not changed one iota. But now that almost each and everyone of them has been exposed to the knowledge of the whole world, now they don't even bother to hide themselves much more to commit their atrocities in the face of the impunity they have long enjoyed and it seems that they are already beginning to realize that it will not last them much longer.
And therefore, now the Zionazis no longer worry much about hiding their true faces plus their sick intentions and try to blatantly and forcibly impose and convince the world that they are the God's chosen to control and subjugate the world. So, I suppose it's not surprising that a hate-filled race like theirs has been consecutively expelled from all the territories they occupied and were in throughout the centuries.
These expulsions stretch back into pre-modern times, with the Babylonian captivity. Perhaps these acts and crimes are nothing new, but this ethnic group acculturate their children in this way. It seems modern policing should be competent to rescue these children from such a fate.
Jewish Ethnicities: Khazars, Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, Abayudaya, Ethiopian Israelis, Semites, Zionists and few more. After all, it is said that there were 12 the tribes of Israel. ;)
And the Khazarian Cabal has effectively controlled Ashkenazi Jewry so it can rule planet Earth from behind the veil. Which actually makes that even themselves stay more than confused about who they really are.
I really would have a lot more interesting content to share with you on this topic, but I really don't want to overwhelm you too much. But since you brought up the issue about the Babylonian captivity and the acculturation of their children in an unhealthy way from an early age. I'm going to share this last video with you, which I suspect you will find quite interesting.
¿Greek, Cypriot or Jewish confusion?
Finally, and perhaps just to stay more in tune with the video of Russian origin that you shared with us. Maybe just mention something about Jewish Bolshevism to round out better this long comment.
I am impressed with your depth of knowledge of history. I also appreciate your intention to treat my time gently, although I will point out that I have some agency regarding the matter. I was somewhat surprised by the depth of the anomie between Bolsheviks and Zionazis, having not studied Lenin (most Americans are utterly nescient of his actual work and words, knowing of him only as a scurrilous rabble rouser and usurper of the power of Russian peasantry), nor the vagaries and subtleties of Jewish sectarianism.
I am presently very struck by my ignorance regarding Putin's apparent affinity with Chabad Lubavitch, yet his rise through the Cheka and attainment to the heights of Chekist power suggest he exemplified the USSR's antipathy to Zionazism during that career. For that reason the video I posted creates more questions about Russia than it answers about the USSR. I find it difficult to grasp the fundamental assumptions Soviets, Russians, and Ukrainians were inculcated with during their indoctrinations and the differences between them, and Putin's affiliations only exacerbate that cognitive dissonance as I continue to gain familiarity with the relationship between Rabbinic Talmudism and Judaism affecting Jews, and effecting disparate Jewish societies. I am increasingly left with a growing probability that Putin's personal flaws have been leveraged by Chabad Lubavitch that appears to have compromised his integrity, such as it ever was.
dude it really must be in the air somehow; stumbled upon "the other israel" here yesterday. a 1987 vhs render of an adamant christian priest and his wife on the same topic, i bet their findings are practically identical.
it is on rumble also.
i just doubt it will have been more extensive than this long one you posted here, but always good to compare notes.
crazy fuckin' times on earth ahahahah
How do you feel about Jews?
I have a hard time understanding the anti-Semitism of Europeans and Americans!Dear @valued-customer !
East Asians like me do not believe in conspiracy theories that Jews are ruling the world!
I believe that Zionism was created by the Jews for the purpose of taking away the lands of the Muslims!
However, I do not believe that Islam is the original owner of Palestine. I remember the history of countless wars being fought in Palestine since time immemorial.
Over thousands of years, Palestine changed hands several times.
Currently, Israel rules Palestine, but it is thought that another country may rule Palestine in the future.
By the way, I assumed you had anti-Semitic tendencies!
I found Jews to be fascinating people!
I remembered that Jesus, Peter, and Paul were Jews!
The etymology of the word Jew is instructive in this matter. My understanding is that the letter J didn't exist in the English language until the 14th Century. Furthermore, during the time Jesus lived there was no word that meant Jews. There were words to describe inhabitants of Judea (Iudamea, in the Latin), and inhabitants of Israel, Samaria, and other lands of other tribes. The Judeans were descendants of Jacobs brother Esau. Israelites were descended from Jacob, who changed his name to Israel. My recollection is that Jesus was claimed to be an Israelite, not a Judean. I am not apprised of Peter or Paul's heritage.
Furthermore, the history of the AshkeNazi Jews, the majority of modern Jewry, has been in Europe, primarily in the Pale of Settlement between the Black Sea and the Baltic. Genetic research indicates AshkeNazis are of European descent admixed with Turkic peoples from W. Asia. History records the mass conversion of the Khazarian Empire during the 9th Century to Judaism, perhaps as a political effort to avoid the conflict between Christendom and Islam that was raging and shattering polities regionally, disrupting trade, and causing all manner of brutality and destruction. This is why there are references to Khazarians when people refer to Jews from Europe. The upshot of this is that the majority of Jews today aren't descendants of Hebrew speaking people, but are the very non-Jews referred to in the Talmud, the Amalekites they class as Goyim and intend to enslave or destroy. This is not taught in Israeli schools, rather the opposite, and there is no more racist and genocidal ethnic group in the world to my knowledge.
I used to think so, but have learned that it is to conquer all the Earth, and all the animals that look like people but aren't Jews. The Talmud teaches that only Jews are human, and everyone else are mere animals. That is Zionism as I understand it: conquering the whole world, and enslaving or killing everyone that isn't a Jew.
Regarding 'anti-semitism', a Semite is a speaker of semitic languages, including Hebrew, but also including Arabic, Aramaic, and others. I certainly do not have any antipathy against anyone because of the language they speak. I do not agree that any people that consider themselves ubermensch should slaughter or enslave me or my people, or anyone at all, and thus I oppose Zionism with every fiber of my being, and will until our freedom from such wannabe overlords is secure in perpetuity.
So after pretending you're fighting against Socialists, you echo the propaganda of the USSR. Then, while claiming you support Russia's fight against imaginary "Nazis" in Ukraine (who have never existed), you now broadcast your Nazi-esque hatred of Jews.
You don't manage to impress me very often, little man, but your continued ability to wear the hats of a Fascist and a Neo-Bolshevik at the same time is a rare talent, and you add an extra layer of irony to it by claiming you're doing it all for "freedom" and "liberty" and whatnot.
You're like a heroin-addicted pedophile who shills for donations to D.A.R.E. and Savethechildren while actively funding a Mexican cartel with the proceeds from running a meth lab and whoring out your daughter, all while serving as a deacon at the local Baptist church.
Your projection is breathtaking. I'd be impressed, but lies are foolish, and projection is suicidal. It is your word, your spirit that is destroyed by your projection of your purposes and evil on me. The dearth of facts in your posts but precedes the death of your spirit. That's not impressive.
It's just icky.