
I know exactly what you mean. Especially if my kids were in that school.
If the institutions of society cannot cope with the problem, society will solve the problem on its own! But there's the other side of the coin. If the dregs of society decide that your school is interfering with their carefree existence, they will band together and burn down the school, at best without people.
From their destructive point of view, the parents of the children are preventing the free flow of drugs, and the school is a gathering place for these perpetually disgruntled parents.
My point is this. Freedom is a good thing, but only until someone else's freedom starts threatening your normal existence. We've been through that shameful chapter in history-- lynching!
I don't think it's worth revisiting, although I admit, sometimes I'm drawn to it.

The aphorism goes that your freedom of action ends where your fist meets my face. Appropriately extended, fentanyl users freedom to transact ends where my parental rights to keep my kids drug free begins. If the police don't protect my kids, then I have that responsibility. I never had any confidence in any governmental institution to protect, or benefit, my kids, so I homeschooled.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

all the dealers can't be lynched. The state has not been able to prohibit them from selling drugs, and we, being within the legal framework, even more so.
That is why it is necessary to deal with their children from an early age, and to make every effort to ensure that the child passing by such or similar signs had the necessary core, on which he will be based in making decisions about life.
The state does not care about what will happen to each individual child. The general statistics of drug-related deaths have long been accepted as the norm.

This is the price of freedom, which not everyone knows how to use competently! Natural (urban) selection of the 21st century!

I'll tell you what they're not telling you yet!
Drug addiction has become so widespread and continues to gain momentum that this experience, intervention, and side effect cannot but leave an imprint on us as a species!
What are the long-term consequences I can hardly even guess.....

But that is only if we manage to do without the nuclear baton in the current series of conflicts! It will be humorous if these junkies are right in the end, that they lived their last days in their own pleasure and not for the good of society)))))