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RE: Total Collapse of Civilization

in #life2 years ago

"The thirst for power and money is turning the human out of humanity..."

It is indeed. Yuval Hariri opines we are hackable animals, and stated unequivocally that we will be hacked for fun and profit. Human rights just aren't going to apply to us, since overlords stripped terrorists of human rights, and today have redefined all of us as terrorists.

"...building up what our ancestors build with social and cooperative life."

Indeed, we need to know the good people we depend on for our blessings, and when we trade with our neighbors what we make for what they make, that social framework is the means whereby that happens.

It is when we're alone and unknown that we are most vulnerable to bad actors, and just as we defend our friends and family, our friends and family will defend us. I read some history of the war in Bosnia back in the 90s from a survivor, and he pointed out that the single most important thing that survivors had those that died didn't was friends and family. Bodies standing next to you on a wall throwing lead downrange at enemies attacking you, people standing watch while you slept, and people guarding the base while you go forage or trade for things you need, there's no essential task to survival that isn't easier and produces better results when more people are working together on it.

Helping people grow wealth is a great way to be their friend. Help them put in a garden, teach them how to make things with 3D printers, give them some inexpensive solar panels you print off using recycled materials, etc. Being good to people tends to give them a good opinion of you, and more likely to be good to you. More importantly, it's just the right thing to do.
