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RE: The Last Election in America

in #life5 months ago

Many Americans support ending the descent into Communist Totalitarianism ongoing that Vice President Harris will certainly continue. What other option do they have? They do not realize the USA is ruled by a uniparty, that there is no reason to choose Republicrats over Demoblicans because the policies of both parties serve their actual leaders, the investors in BlackRock who are in process of conquering the world. To conquer the world all the extant countries of the world must fail, and this is why the USA is being destroyed by it's government.

Trump, lying as all politicians do, says he'll stop it. But what he'll do is he'll advance some of it's policies that haven't been undertaken by the Biden administration, such as biometric ID, martial law, and etc. Each of the parties advances the policies of the uniparty in turns, and both of them together implement all the policies of the BlackRock investors.

Trump doesn't advocate any race. Ask your E. Asian compatriots to cite an example of Trump advocating or implementing any policy of white supremacy. They will not be able to provide any example, but will say that the media told them there were some. Black men support Trump overwhelmingly, for the same reasons white men support Trump: they believe his lies and don't understand he's been a Democrat all his adult life until he switched to the Republican Party to run for President, or that both parties serve the same masters.



Trump doesn't advocate any race. Ask your E. Asian compatriots to cite an example of Trump advocating or implementing any policy of white supremacy. They will not be able to provide any example, but will say that the media told them there were some. Black men support Trump overwhelmingly, for the same reasons white men support Trump: they believe his lies and don't understand he's been a Democrat all his adult life until he switched to the Republican Party to run for President, or that both parties serve the same masters.

I appreciate you being so kind and not offended by my awkward English!
I'm not sure if I understood your excellent English sentences, but I'll tell you honestly what I think!Dear @valued-customer !

Many East Asian men believe that working-class white Americans support Trump.
Perhaps America's white working class has a fear of manufactured goods produced in East Asia, including China.

Many American workers lost their jobs and suffered economic hardship because of East Asian manufactured goods imported into the United States.
So, they will assume that East Asians are a threat to America.

They may believe that white people should have a superior social status than East Asians.
I speculated that working class Americans would be more likely to attack East Asians.

Many East Asians assume that white working-class Americans are hostile to East Asians and advocate white supremacy.
So, I believe Trump is implementing white supremacist policies at the behest of white workers.

I hope you don't get offended by my awkward English sentences!

I hope your health and long life!

"...Trump is implementing white supremacist policies at the behest of white workers."

Trump could not care less about white workers. He serves Zionist banksters with total devotion. The purpose to deceive in order to weaken the West enough to facilitate it's conquest by banksters is his geas, and in the view of banksters every ethnic group, culture, and human society other than Zionists are equally chattel and necessary to genocide to the point that whatever survivors remain are sufficient to provide slaves to the masters and incapable of more.

No political rhetoric has any basis in fact and all of it is intended to deceive it's audience so they can be conquered, and this particularly includes Trump's. E. Asians well demonstrate the domesticated state of humanity and the suitability of extant human societies to the animal husbandry that has enabled psychopathic banksters to reign in sybaritic luxury for all of human history. The concept of sovereignty is incomprehensible to the majority of humanity, who are obligate chattel. They cannot conceive of society without overlords as anything but Stone age savagery, because they cannot understand they themselves are sovereign.