"If it was free, there would be no part of your mind telling you that you are wasting."
This tells on you. You can only feel this way if the only value you have is monetary. I don't think you really believe that. Water has more than monetary value, and thus can be appreciated other than as simply an expense.
Also, water in Venezuela isn't water in Utah, or Mongolia. Water is variably locally common and scarce, and hour long showers in British Columbia don't deprive Yemenis of water.
Merry Christmas!
You are being unrealistic.of course people worry about the expense of water. You dont want to spend too much on it or you wont be able to afford your other bills. Of course this is true. It is not that the only value i have is monetary. That is actually far from the truth if you actually knew me. Yes water has more than a monetary value. But I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about it isn’t free. So the value i am focusing on IS the monetary value.
You’re also correct again that the water in California doesn’t affect the water in India. That’s correct. But it doesn’t mean excesssive use doesn’t deplete the resource in those areas. There is a GLOBAL water shortage. This doesn’t mean all areas are scarce of water. But the overall amount of fresh water is being threatened.
Merry Christmas to you too! And happy HODLdays lol :)