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RE: Fixing Valueplan

in #life4 months ago

"I'm not even going to the store for you without bringing a receipt, your change, and a solid accounting for anything that costs more than was expected on that receipt..."

That's how its done, and that's sure expected in business.

"...we're spending money with people who don't want to do things above board..."

This is an excellent point. They're claiming they can't show receipts that prove they're not stealing our money because they're doing shady deals they can't reveal in public. How do they not recognize this only makes their claim the weaker, they're threat to our financial safety more marked, not excused?

"Without proper accounting, trouble will arise from everywhere."

Without proper accounting you're begging for crimes to occur.

Here's a quote from Vigilant News:

“If somehow you’re being prevented from knowing, then you can be absolutely certain that crimes are being committed,” Carlson concluded, “because why else would they be hiding it from you?”--Tucker Carlson

"there are some initiatives in VP I want to support ... but can't. I've been down these roads in the real world in relatively high-stakes asset and finance matters; I already know this has to be cleared up before we can safely move forward."

I think there are so many things in the VP because then everyone will find something in it they like and that gains it support. This is why I reckon it needs to be broken up into individual initiatives, so we can support what we like and not get saddled with things we don't - like rally cars.

You're absolutely right this needs fixing, or it's going to get a lot worse and do terrible harm to Hive, and the good people that aren't doing anything wrong in Valueplan, but are flocked with the wrong birds.



Have a look at this ... I spend time on Hive talking with people who love to talk ... when people don't even want to be doing the good they are doing for the sake of the good itself, but just as a means to an end, well ...

(@verbal-d, should you ever see this, the linked exchange confirms why I can't be involved with certain things any more ... and @mcsamm and @collinz, better look out. It's also in the Sept. 22 proposal from VP: any good being done is only being done as long as it gets attention. The minute the people at VP don't think they are getting sufficient press to attract the people they are really aiming for, it's over. It's explained in the Sept. 22 proposal, but the relevant quote is also in my response).

A point you made right off with your first comment to me was that fundamental principles matter, and this truth is apparently very elusive in some quarters. You made every effort to enable them to succeed, and prevent what's likely to happen instead.

Keep fighting the good fight!

I will keep fighting it -- even if the best I can do is make sure "we didn't know" is not a valid excuse!

I realized there are no excuses. There are only reasons. This changed how I think, and gave me greater peace of mind.

You are right. Most people do not see that, and so they think ... but no. We choose what we do for various reasons, but there is never an excuse for choosing to do evil.