Dinosaur Vs. Bird

in #life6 days ago

IMG source - Yandex.com

In a world shattered by cosmic impact, the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex squared off against little birds and furry woodland creatures in a fight to the death. The tweety birds and squirrels lived on, and the dinosaurs are extinct. Today the juggernaut of empire creates it's own cataclysm of war, plague, and famine, and seeks to devour the little people intent on quiet lives in Palestine and N. Carolina. Who will come out of the contest? Who will be the last man standing in the cage match to the death? Only the blind cannot see what is coming, blinded by their possessions occluding their view.

The dispossessed can only see clearly, their view unimpeded, what is coming. When all the power to rule everyone is attained by the total tyrant who alone has the power to decide every fate, there is no longer any power to decide any fate, because that tyrant only pretends to that power. Each of us is sovereign in reality, deciding each moment to twitch or be still at our whim. The violent oppression of the despot can only destroy, not seize, that authority, until there isn't any left in their power to rule, no competitors to defeat, nothing for their massive, deadly army left to kill but themselves. Only the inconsequential and inoffensive, that were not worthy of notice during the clashes of titans, can remain after the mighty victor has nothing left to conquer, nothing left to consume, but themselves.

IMG source - Yandex.com

Empire, like a living thing, senesces, and in time cancerous corruption grows and seeks to consume every bit of the sustenance the aging corpus needs to live. Only the surgeons knife can cut out the malevolence, lest the withered husk die and give way to a new generation - but the cancer will not cut out itself. As the ruling class sinks it's fangs deeper and sucks more of the lifesblood, becoming better at taking everything for itself every day, that corruption destroys the host until it collapses and what has been but feeble babes in youth arise in the fullness of their vigor. Only outside the host can babes be nurtured so, because the cancer consumes everything in it's power. It is the little, inoffensive things beneath the notice of the Empire that are immune to the cancer of corruption.

Are we to see the mighty empire of the day become even more powerful, a truly global polity with one military that will end war by it's monopoly on violence no one and nothing can oppose? This is the threat we face, the stakes driven into the claims of Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates across the world and into our veins, respectively. Nothing is to escape their avarice, at any scale, and the full benefit of modern technological advance is to be wholly captured by their monolithic grasp.

It seems strange to me that the cutting edge of technological advance across every field of industry today is decentralization of the means of production, most increasing productivity through the broadest distribution, yet the most centralized and concentrated imperium will alone have the control of production in the plans of the totalitarian globalists. Does that make sense to you? Can the opposite of the mechanism most productive outcompete it?

Are the new flying cars and automated food gardens of delight potential to the captains of industry that have eliminated natural habitat with their corporate monocrops? Can the Borgian poisoners that have destroyed fertility and all but eradicated human reproduction become the deliverers of the next generation, tending and nurturing the young? Will avaricious tyrants that have destroyed everything in their way give way to tender mercies and pleasant oases? Leopards are born with their spots, I think. Brutal competitors for complete dominance of control in every substantial market aren't capable of idyllic cooperation and respect for the rights and freedoms of others. Larry Fink has driven BlackRock to acquire a controlling interest in ~90% of the corporations of the world. That is his competency, his skillset: brutal dominance of the global financial system and crushing all competition until there is nothing and no one able to challenge him, like a T. rex striding across the landscape where any survivors can only tremble in fear and hide. What utility has gold or silver as a medium of exchange when one thief has stolen it all? There is no market for it. The shiny metals were targeted for theft and could not be safely used or kept. This is why the very success of BlackRock dooms it, as it totally controls the dollar denominated markets it eliminates every other player in that market, and de-dollarization creates a market BlackRock isn't any part of.

After the megafauna, the mammoths and mastodons, ground sloths and cave bears, died out during the cataclysmic Younger Dryas, their predators, the Clovis culture that made the exquisite fluted points necessary to take massive game that delivered thousands of meals with each kill, died out too.

IMG source - Yandex.com

Do not fear the Brobdingnagian monsters. Their huge jaws and flashing fangs are not for us, but for other giants, whom they will all destroy. They are supreme masters of a world that will no longer exist, a world they are destroying by conquest. Little creatures that gather their harvest and build their little nests are of no interest to powerful predators, beneath their notice, incapable of providing sustenance to the victor that has destroyed everything they could consume. We will watch from our hidey holes and come out only when they are done and it is time to begin building.

There will be nothing left for them, because they will consume it all, until they are all that is left they can consume.

It's not like this hasn't happened before. This is the inevitable consequence of centralization. But what comes out of this conflagration will be completely different, because the cutting edge of technological advance no longer advances productivity of centralization, but decentralized, distributed, table top production. A world of little producers that prosper by cooperating, that create idyllic oases they can mutually enjoy, because they do not conquer and destroy to centralize everything, but trade and work together to prosper all. Be excellent to one another because that creates the free society we are created to create. Just as the savage leopard cannot become a lamb, the little furry creatures of the field cannot be mighty predators. Only by cooperating to build a better world can we build a better world out of the ashes the mighty conquerors will leave behind when they have consumed themselves with cancerous corruption.


@valued-customer, you're rewarding 0 replies from this discussion thread.

An unsatisfactory result from an inadequate post. My incompetence is showing.


Dear @valued-customer !

I find it interesting that you likened overlords and empires to giant dinosaurs!
Do you believe that overlords and empires will go extinct like dinosaurs? I agree with you! However, I remember the historical fact that whenever empires were born and fell, wars of world war level always broke out!

You should probably be like Conan and behead the overlords!
Otherwise, the overlords will behead you!😆

"You should probably be like Conan..."

No. This is what the overlords want me to do. This is what they know how to destroy. They know how to destroy an army. This is what they want, an armed conflict in which everyone that opposes them dies.

The real solution to the problem is not to behead the overlords. It's to ignore their control mechanisms and prosper economically with tools they can't control, they can't parasitize for their wealth and power, and to disperse these tools across the population to create an economic power that excludes them. Then they simply are starved of wealth and power and become unable to murder us all.
