Discover Your Pathway to Love and Happiness

in #life7 years ago


What is the biggest challenge you have in your life right now? Maybe you feel you aren’t living up to your potential, or you feel taken advantage of in many of your relationships. Do you struggle to follow through on your goals and the plans you’ve made to improve your life? Perhaps you constantly find yourself neglecting to take care of yourself and you feel tired, worn out, and stretched thin. And how many times have you sat yourself down and decided you were going to do what it takes to change your situation? How did it go? Chances are you fought to get traction or you made some progress before things went off the rails. If you feel like you’re always chasing the same issues, or you feel stuck in the same rut day-in and day-out, consider that your challenge may not be what you think.

If you’ve been struggling to climb out of the same rut for a long time, you’re likely being held back by your self-worth. The simple truth is that you cannot out-perform your self-image. If you do not believe you deserve to be treated with respect, or that you simply aren’t smart enough to start the career you’ve always dreamt of, it’s going to be near impossible to motivate yourself to make progress. Making changes in your life will feel like trying to swim upstream. This disconnect between what we want and what we believe we deserve or are capable of is the source of the inner conflict that keeps us stuck. Our level of self-worth defines what we will allow into our lives: if you truly believe you aren’t worthy of respect, for example, when someone does treat you well, you’re likely to feel uncomfortable because it contradicts your deeply held beliefs. In turn, the likelihood that you will keep this person in your life is low. Our self-worth is an integral part of our comfort zone, even if it causes us pain, when we come up against new experiences or opportunities, no matter how positive they are, if they contradict what we believe we deserve, we’re going to fight to keep ourselves in a world that makes sense.

The good news is it is absolutely possible to improve your relationships to yourself, increase your self-worth. To begin this journey, I invite you to discover my new book Your Pathway to Love and Happiness. In it, you’ll discover how to identify the current level of your self-worth and how it may be holding you back. I also lay out how your self-worth defines what you will accept in your life and how it may be limiting you. Most importantly, I also offer concrete exercises and tips to begin the process of rehabilitating your sense of worthiness and to rebuild self-trust. Know that you don’t need to struggle: learning to love and support yourself is within reach. It would be my honor to guide you back to your true worth. Discover Your Pathway to Love and Happiness and unlock your true potential.
Valerie Jambrovic