Positivity during hard times a Must

in #life7 years ago


Positive Vibes only a buzz word? No!

Hi Steemians - I have been quiet recently as I deal with some personal issues currently I will maybe share in the future. These hard times usually are full of negativity and one has to force himself to keep positive but it is essential to at least try.

Not bothering you with my problems but in view of our life and this community we all are aware of things that we are not happy on Steemit or on other platforms or in real life. Most of us might be not happy with their job, their boss, sometimes with their wife / husband - this is normal but we all should step back a bit everyday and re-consider what is important on life and on the places we are active. Right?

Our world is driven by people with power, money or other criteria that make them influential. These powerful people some of us / you fear are also humans first, having more power is not always bad but gives also potential. Whales here are not per definition bad - they are humans like all of us. Think the most powerful people on Steemit and everywhere get so many questions such as "help me please" and other spam that it is totally normal that they also flag some people, especially the ones that just ask for help without knowing or taking the time to take care of the one they approach - taking care is important! The requester side needs to recognise that as well.

Back to Positivity - when I started here I tried to push positivity across the board but then also flagged people (mainly as of radical political views they were communicating), I also suffered from flags or negative comments and trolling - hey this is common in reality, why should a social media platform be different? How can people believe they get upvotes when they simply do not at all try to understand the person they ask for support! Flags or Downvotes can also be positive as they educate the person getting flagged - if they consider to think why it happened. Other positive thing of a flag is to protect the reward pool which is for all of us.

Positivity breeds Positivity.I have been an early adopter of a lot social platforms since the last 10 years - one initiative from the network called tsu by @anthonyphillips is still coming to my mind which was called

So this post is designed to spread positivity by explaining a bit that we do not all have the same definition of what is being considered as positive - wishing everyone a fantastic week.

Don't let greed dominate your life and your Steemit presence

No matter if you are on trending, no matter if you struggle to earn some cents, no matter if you get attacked just try (at least try, it is hard sometimes) to keep some positivity around you. People like that - you are more attractive to others and you can attract more positive people to this platform. The ones that do not scam and spam, the good boys and girls, the content creators, the charity minded people - let us all try hard to make this place a better place in the social media world.

Criticism is needed - arguing is NOT toxic

However in view of the success for all of us let us be realistic and able to communicate criticism in a constructive way. Not every human being is perfect, nor is any platform. Stay away from simply negative people but also do not call others toxic that try to suggest valuable things. a down vote / flag is maybe negative for the account that receives but can be extremely positive for the community too. That is to me also a part of showing or proving the power of positivity.


This article made my day today, Uwe! Had a shitty day full of unpleasant things but you are right - staying positive is key! After darkness there is always light. Hope you and your family are well

Glad to read that my friend, shit happens to everyone and life often seems not fair but we have to force us and life, only waiting for good things hardly works for the majority of us.

Hope things sort themselves out for you.

I'm generally a pretty positive person, but I can get a bit involved in some of the drama on Steemit. I have been flagging some spam and plagiarism lately as I see it as harmful to the platform. I've also flagged some posts that bought ridiculous votes for average content. Some people take this as an attack, but a flag is as valid as an upvote in the curation process. We do this to get the rewards where they should be. My vote is not that big anyway.

Stay positive!

Fairly new to our Steem Community @steevc, I appreciate your efforts ...

"I have been flagging some spam and plagiarism lately as I see it as harmful to the platform."

... although I suppose some may view this as not helpful / positive. I for one think it is not only a good thing, but essential to adding value long-term to our blockchain.

Thank you! Keep "fighting the good fight"!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Ich schick Dir einen Knutscher und eine dicke Umarmung mein lieber Uwe!

Reading a post of yours @uwelang for the first time, due to a resteem from @steemchiller.

"... we all should step back a bit everyday and re-consider what is important on life ..."

Yes, agreed this is a key to keeping a positive outlook, in spite of whatever difficulties we may face.

If we can also focus and be thankful for what we do have vs. unhappy for what we don't, all the better.

Don't know you or your circumstances @uwelang, but hopefully better times and days are coming soon for you and yours.

Posted using Partiko Android

Kann dir nur absolut Recht geben mit deinem Artikel. Positiv denken und hart arbeiten, nur so kann es erfolgreich werden (auch wenn ich nur ein kleiner Spieler bin)

Toller Post!! Das Leben nimmt seinen Lauf und liegt nicht in unserer Hand... Schei** passiert da leider... Aber wie wir darauf reagieren, liegt an uns ;)

I hope whatever you got going on in your life gets sorted out mate and you try to keep your spirits up. Just know, I'm sure there are a lot of people here will be supporting you so use the community for emotional support, even if its just by posting shit. Hiding away is never a good thing.
I send my best wishes for the future to you and your family :-)

I'm always trying to find some positive aspect in things in general, even if not all of them are pleasent and nice to hear!

A positive INTENTION must be set again behind what you do, why you do.

Just working in hopes of gaining fame and money so as to not go broke just doesn't cut it anymore.

Totally true all exposed by you, also I consider that the critics make us grow greetings.

be positive to face hard times in the life !!!
thanks for this lesson

We should never stop looking for the positive side of negative situations, at some point when we are in absolute darkness at some point a light will light our way, blessings friend.

Indeed. There is no place for greed to ruin the spark of our lives.
Positivity will do the trick

Great article, share the positive vibes Uwe! 👏👍

What an idea!!!
So cool!!

thats it.....keep on smiling--

best greatings


Really a good read! Thank you for sharing your positive thoughts with us. Resteem ;)