My whole life I have heard 'Oh, that was unlucky' or 'That boy is so lucky' - but what IS luck? Is it a curse or a gift from 'the gods'?
Essentially, we often feel that luck is just a name given to an imagined 'thing' or 'force' that we might 'have' when we experience great things in our lives - yet some of us really do appear to have more of it somehow - so... why is that? Are the 'lucky' ones just being more imaginative than the unlucky ones?
Synchronicity is Magic
I once had a friend that was well known online for her apparently divinely guided and magical ability to create events and 'luck'. If you were to ask her about it she would say that she creates her own reality and that spirit/god helps her. I once saw her say "oh, I wish I had a ticket to the Burning Man festival" and then she looked at her emails and one arrived with an offer of a free ticket to that exact festival!
What she was demonstrating was understanding and use of what is called 'synchronicity' - which is effectively the ability to attract and cause, non-physically, events and situations to manifest in our lives which reflect our needs and desires without consciously, fully planning them out in full detail or even taking any physical action to cause them. I have seen this occur in my own life and for others a huge amount of times and I fully accept that this is 'normal' for everyone - it's just that most of us don't realise we can do/use it and so we don't and never notice our latent ability.
So how does 'luck' factor in?
I like to look at the roots/origins of language to better understand the concepts that the words represent. In Latin, 'light' was 'lux' and there is a major clue and to what luck really is. 'Light' in a psychological or spiritual sense essentially means 'understanding' - so we are said to be 'enlightened' when we understand. The greater our understanding, the 'brighter' we are said to be. So, it follows that what we have called 'luck' is actually an effect of increased understanding and specifically a combination of understanding about our relationship to the cosmos/earth/life and also our level of self acceptance (which we can also call 'understanding' of self).
It is through a combination of understanding who we are and something of how life mechanically works - with regards attraction - that we can come to be at peace. When we are at peace, we are a better resonator for our desires and we can think more clearly. Our balance is our key to drawing to us what we need in life - we are not going to be distracted by conflicts when we are balanced and we are going to be able to direct our energies more effectively to where we need them to go. Our universe is not 'dumb' or 'dead' - it is literally a living field of beingness and beings which is capable of intelligently guiding phenomena according to the heart's will of those beings who are part of it and co-creating through it as a vehicle for their thoughts and intentions.
'luck' CAN be created after all!
All we need to do is cultivate a deeper awareness of who we are and to ALLOW magical attraction and manifestation to be real for us! We are powerful enough to effectively hide our ability to draw to use what we need simply by holding beliefs/thoughts which say that it is impossible.. We are then effectively drawing to us the reality that proves to us that we can't draw realities to us! How creative of us!
Just by reading this text and beginning to open to what is being shared here, you may start to notice greater synchronicity in your life. You may notice that your desires start to become easier to realise and that your inner world starts to be reflected more in your outer, physical world.
Life is not meant to be hard! We just create a struggle through our perceptions of what is and what is not possible.
We are infinite beings - we just need to think and act like who we really are!
Got Comments?
What do you think/feel about this? Do you have any exciting stories of synchronicity to share here? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
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Thank you for a good post!
I have moments when thoughts materialize. Think about something and it comes true
Great, yes - it is good you notice - the issue then becomes finding out what is causing the delay between imagination and manifestation... ;)
This is so true, there is more to luck than we think. I personally don't believe in luck. I believe everything that happens, happen for a reason, but not luck. Luck is just the word we use since most of us are not sure what to really call it. For those of us that are spiritual, we may call it divine destiny or a miracle or a blessing. This is just my opinion on luck. Interesting article though. I look forward to read the other's opinion on this topic. Thanks for posting btw.
You are welcome, again, there is no need to believe - we are inherently creating constantly - we just need to harness that ;)
I love this post! Just what I needed o receive at the right time! I am really enjoying your content on my feed. Keep it up
Great! Thankyou for your synchronicity ;)
Oh I hear you. There have been times in my life that I was so dialed in it was incredible. But yet a little unsettling too. The intensity is hard to continue in most people's company and you get the feeling of being alone. Unable to share it with others and quite often upsetting them. So in the end, forcing a comedown to be more normal. Being in a group of people riding that high would be incredible 😎
Great post, keep them coming.
Yes, it can occur if it is in your heart :)
I do intend to create a community of that nature and actually in the south american region - when the timing is right for that. ;)
That's completely right, what other persons call "luck" is just the reflection in the reality of all the plannings tryngs and spent time, in other words is the work that you done that returns back what the other people call "luck".
I think that if you are a person that work to reach objective with caparbiety...yes you're lucky!
That can be the case, but what I am describing here is not really so much the result of hard work - it is more just the result of physical reality being a kind of mirror. So, in a sense, if a being were completely cleared of all thought (including subconscious and unconscious) they might become a hyper capable creator of reality!
I dont believe in luck.. Simple. Got to take every little oppportunity. Resteemed Bro
thankyou! there is no need to believe at all :)
Nice post, I am beginning to manifest what I want on a small scale but its building. Like my new house just the one I wanted and got chosen above others. My life is changing and for the better. Because now I know it is and I know I have the potiential to make it even better :)
Very good! Shifting to every new joy can be the continued reality when we are in balance. :)
I do not believe in luck .when you work gard you will get what ever you wish for.
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Wise words! Following.
Greetings! Thanks!
Nice post resteem
I couldn't agree more. People who have a negative outlook tend to be unlucky, those who are positive are often rewarded with good fortune.
As far as I'm concerned it's karma. I've always been positive and my friends say I'm a lucky bastard. Synchronicity?
'positive' and 'negative' are a touchy subject because they are terms which have multiple meanings and different subjective interpretations. many people think the are being 'positive' when they are only denying their own 'negative' aspects - which results in their own dysfunctions growing greater all while blaming everyone else and not taking responsibility.
I'm not saying you are doing that, but it is one of the biggest problems currently for humans.
karma is a process of drawing experiences that create balance, it does not bring a balance of payments.
it is entirely possible to draw beneficial events to yourself through what you might call 'positive thinking' as long as no denial is involved.
I don't necesarily disagree with any of the points you make here.
However all my negative traits are tackled head on in order to ensure I don't project them on to those around me and I'm well aware of them.
I assume this means I'm a positive person. Whether or not that's the reason I'm considered lucky I can't say but I'll take it.
hehe - maybe so!
Great piece! I believe it also has to do with the law of attraction. The reason it works from what I've read & understood is that if we exude & feel the way we would if we achieved that goal or had that certain something happen to us, then that vibration will match and it will be attracted right to us. Thereby, creating our own reality as you say!
All attraction is manifested through our own magnetic will - that is the underlying essence behind any kind of law of attraction. The will attracts reflections, yes.
“Be popular on steemit”
As one who has an on-off relationship with luck, I found this post to be very pertinent - thank you @ura-soul. :c)
I do sometimes wonder if each individual is allocated a budget of good fortune though - and I also wonder at how this might vary between persons who are born into better or worse situations than others.
You are welcome! Even the incarnation process is guided by our own points of attraction that are determined by our own state of being. I will cover this more in my series on reincarnation. ;)
Favorite topic - the true power that we have, but have forgotten
you are welcome!