Applying Spiritual Science: When Balanced, We Are Divine And Eternal Beings (Death is Not Inevitable).

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The 'Human Condition' that is so often referred to as being the cause of our suffering is, in truth, an entirely changeable set of limitations that are symptoms and not causes of our problems. Our collective problems stem from spiritual imbalance and the causes take the form of thoughts/judgments/beliefs which we take to be truth but which are not. I'm going to look at the building blocks of some of the dangerous false beliefs that are currently held by almost everyone and go into some detail about why they are error. By clearing these errors we will feel better, be more free and possibly live longer and with greater joy!

Having explored these topics for over 15 years, with specific focus on cleaning up my definitions for concepts - so as to ensure precise understandings are reached via precise logic - I now have my own definitions for some of the building blocks of life and consciousness and I will share some here first.

eternal being

The Anatomy of Belief

For me, beliefs are: "Thoughts that state that other thoughts are correct, when in truth we do not KNOW that these other thoughts are correct.".

We can therefore see then that if our intention is to only hold truth then beliefs are entirely counter productive. We don't need beliefs at all and all that we need do is recognise this and adjust our thoughts to leave our thinking OPEN instead of the CLOSED thinking that our beliefs represented. There's no need to 'believe x,y,z' when we can simply acknowledge that really we 'think x,y,z' and are in the process of coming to KNOW all about the subject in question and will remain receptive to new experience and understandings on the topic.

Judgements and Hidden Denial

Denial is the primary barrier to success, wellbeing and right understanding. If we are denying aspects of reality then there is no possible way for us to be fully aligned to success and for us to know the full truth.

Judgements are thoughts that, like beliefs, allow errors to enter the mind - however, these have a quality that is even less reliable than beliefs. Judgements don't even need to have any kind of experiential or logical foundation to support them! We can just create a snap judgement at any moment to attempt to fill in the gaps of our understanding and often we do exactly that! In moments of confusion and possibly fear/panic we can choose compromise (consciously or unconsciously) whereby we just imagine what is 'most likely' to be true and then that can become part of our entire worldview without any further examination!

All judgements we are holding can be discovered by feeling for them internally. Judgements always feel denying - in the sense that judgements always cause us to deny the truth of something in some way and we can feel this lack of integrity. Our feelings are our guide here in releasing all of our old judgements and this process is required if we are to enjoy full balance in life.

Who are we in truth?

Given that I have just shown how easy it is for us to be filled with lies, while not even noticing - it can easily be seen then that until we consciously heal these issues, our thoughts about who we are and about our reality are going to be significantly flawed and inaccurate.

I will give some definitions here that will help to clarify this from my heart.

Divine: We generally use the word 'divine' to describe a quality of 'greatness' or 'perfection, but how do we become divine? The truth is quite simple...

Our own level of divinity is directly proportional to our level of self acceptance.

Every thought we hold which states that we are not good enough and every intention we hold to deny and reject part of us will result in a loss of balance, power, love, capacity and more. Since these lost qualities are needed and are part of what makes us divine, it follows then that we need to reverse our self denial and increase our self acceptance if we are to manifest our most divine self. There is no way to know the truth of what I have just said except for through the lived experience of continuously accepting self on all levels. Much like a change in diet or an improved exercise pattern for the body, we will find the benefits of the process only after living the process and not before.

The absence of love within us has meant that what we have had within us has been unloving and thus is unloving enough to downplay the possibility of our own divinity and to reject the idea of us making the called for changes. In short, the opposite of divinity is self destruction and that is where many of us are to some extent, whether we accept that yet or not. So radical re-assessment of all of our ideas is needed if we are to evolve happily and heal in a balanced way together now.

We are eternal beings?

One of the most destructive patterns (in every sense) is that of death and it has been here on Earth for so long that most of us don't even question its presence at all. "Everyone dies" is considered to be absolute truth, even though those who hold this belief are unable to explain precisely what life and death ARE!

Even those of us who are aware of the reality of reincarnation will often still claim, falsely, that death is inevitable and even that death is a form of 'divine release' - but this too is serious error.

The following definitions help to clarify the situation and provide a basis for understanding why death is not inevitable.

Life: Expression and movement of vibrating and vibrationally based beings. In other words, if our atoms and bodies are vibrating then we are alive.

Death: The absence of vibration. If our atoms and bodies cease to vibrate then they are dead.

Reincarnation: The insertion of a spirit into a newly grown physical body in order to express physically, having already died at least once previously while living a physical life.


At the point of physical death, the spiritual part of us lifts out of the body and attempts to escape the compression and suffocation that the physical body and slower moving parts of the emotional body are forced to endure. The spiritual part often then falsely judges that 'death is nothing' or 'death does not exist' - while it continues to deny the reality that the other dying parts experience and feel. The denials here are so extensive that entire libraries of 'spiritual' books support the idea that 'death does not exist' - but those who can still FEEL will disagree.

How to end death?

In this life, my body is around 39 years 'old' - but I know that this is not my first life as a human on Earth, so I know that what we call death is not automatically an immediate and total ending of my existence. Instead, we have a window of opportunity to learn about what death is and to STOP it, before it is too late to make the called for changes that will ensure we can live enternally, without death. The forces that stop us from vibrating are the causes of our death - regardless of what form our death may take. When we are powerfully vibrating, we are emotionally, spiritually and physically powerful too - so it follows that whatever keeps us vibrating is supportive of life and whatever stops us vibrating is nudging us towards death.

It is our own thoughts that have that biggest destructive effect on our ability to continue to vibrate and live!

Every thought has the capacity to effect our emotions and our physical body, so we must learn to choose our thoughts wisely and to allow the feedback that our emotions provide us to guide us to what feels good, rather than avoiding them completely or only listening to the ones we think we want to hear. Our own heart is the balancing center in our system and if we bond our thoughts and emotions lovingly in the heart, we can come to understand which of our decisions are pushing us towards death and which are promoting our life.

It is not necessarily for me to tell you what are the right decisions for you, although I do know many of them already - it is important that we all come to our understandings in the way that is right for us and at the right timing for us. However, I will give the example of nutrition, since it is easy to understand and quite logically clear:

If, in the process of eating food, you cause death or are involved with causing death of what you eat - then you are going to be lowering your own capacity to vibrate by taking in materials into your body that are themselves dying or are dead. The alternative is to only eat foods that are vibrationally strong and which are actually designed to be eaten. The difference between eating a grape and eating a rasher of bacon, in a vibrational sense, is that the grape is alive and is entirely designed to be capable of reproducing itself in a living way even after you have eaten it! When you poop out the seed that survives your digestive system, it can then propagate and grow a new grapevine - whereas a rasher of bacon is simply dead and your body has to work quite hard just to get rid of it from your body.

By working with your body, instead of against your body, you will find a new ease and greater peace automatically.

Living Examples

Our minds can easily want to point to the huge population of aging people and say "Of course aging and death are inevitable, look - all of these people are aging and dying!" - however, only a tiny percentage of humans currently understand enough about themselves and their energies to reverse aging and stop death. Even some of those who stand out as having had great success in stopping and reversing aging do not yet accept that death is not inevitable and thus are highly likely to die. Just by holding the belief that death is inevitable, we allow the vibrational seed of this thinking to have knock on effects in our cells that slowly punish us and nudge us on to actual death.

For these reasons, the best example is always going to be your own lived experience. That said, I can point out several people who have chosen to eat raw fruits and vegetables for long enough that we can see the results in terms of the aging of their body. Here are a few I have found online who are over 50/60/70 years old and yet who really only appear to have aged up to 35/40 in the conventional model of expectation we have about the rate of aging that humans typically experience:

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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"to learn about what death is and to STOP it, before it is too late to make the called for changes that will ensure we can live eternally, without death." the entire point and process of most Taoist nei-gong traditions are based with exactly that in mind. Excellent post fellow soul.

Very good, ok - I only know the basics of nei-gong, but I do know that they are tuned in to important facets of the dynamics involved - with a few errors thrown in too. One day I might study the topic in more depth, but I have never met anyone here who studies it.

There are no shortage of errors in TCM theory and the Medical theories or explanations which surround Nei gong practices. The causes of these errors are, like most things, multifaceted.

Being in Australia, i have no real idea on who is available for that sort of learning over in the UK.

That is one of the other problems in researching this subject. Finding an instructor or mentor with the appropriate experience in the local area. as there are many people who will use the words "nei gong or nei kung" and mean Qi gong. these things are not interchangeable and While Nei gong may be a type of Chi gong it is not usually the case in reverse and while a Qi gong may be good for health to the point of even healing cancer. it is not the same thing as a complete system of inner development including herbal remedies and other deeper practices. Most people are forced to research and rely on books and video or move vast distances depending on the system.

And if we consider monastic systems such as dao dan pai or martial systems like Mo-pai or Bak fu pai Sun yi gong. where there are potential dangers associated with incorrect practice. the travel and appropriate experienced guidance is a necessity

I understand and agree totally, yes - thanks for your wisdom. :)
I will continue in the understanding that if I need to know all about the subject, then I will!

You said: I know that this is not my first life as a human on Earth
I say: How can you know that? How do you know it isn't just a belief?

I previously started a series on Steemit that teaches how to remember past lives, but I didn't get beyond the first post - mainly because it didn't get much interest and I had a lot of other topics to cover. I will return to that topic and go into it in full at some point soon though.

In my own case, I specifically learned about most of the details involved with reincarnation - including the metaphysical processes involved and also developed my own consciousness and energy centers in order to access what had previously been lost/denied/hidden. I also participated in a group of others who were doing similar, so I had an accelerated path of learning on the topic. I did not initially even know if past lives were 'real' or not, but it was not long before I was opened up to crystal clear memories of my other lives which included numerous highly detailed aspects which I could not have just imagined. When I later researched these details online, I found that all the details matched with the time periods involved perfectly.

Even after this basic research, I still didn't know what to do with the information initially - however, this process is fully interactive in real time as we are not researching a dry history book - we are researching the living matrix of creation that is also conscious and which also works with us to intelligently manifest our intentions and desires. In my case, I had several experiences where it was revealed clearly that some of those in my life now are people I have had lives with previously and one of them also remembers some past lives and remembers some of the same details about the same places that I do.

All of the evidence that I have points to the accuracy of my understandings regarding my own reincarnational experiences.

I'll be interested to read your process for remembering past lives.

OK, great! The introduction is here

Excellent post @ura-soul! Have you ever seen Jordan Peterson? It seems like you think alot like him. I linked some of his lectures in this post. They are long but worth the time.

Thanks! I am aware of him, yes - although I have only heard him speak on the topic that you have linked me to here in the first video.

Lovely Post....

amazing! thank you so much for sharing...but why you want to lengthen their life? i guess for more collecting steems :D

hehe - usually people want to end life because they don't feel good and it is only through feeling better that they find that they don't want to die... so people who think they want to die would probably change their mind if given the help they needed to feel better. life is fun!

This post has received a 6.69 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

hello my beautiful @ura-soul friend, I love your post, I'm new to this, I wanted to know if I can count on you? you could share my first introduction post and help me a little more.

Welcome to Steemit! I upvoted your introductory post. :)