Doors are normally opened with the aid of a key , but what of if the key is lost, then the door will be open by a KICK. Some books are tittled "Seven Keys to Success ", "Ten Keys to Success " , I will tell writer to forget about key and show me the door, then I will let the door know that it is not only the key that can open it, but it can also be opened by a KICK!!! Thinking of where to kick in the door.
Think of what you can invest
Prepare to kick with the dominant foot.
Draw out the strategy for your investment
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Stand firm
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Aim the target.
Always have a target in your investment
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KICK the target and the door will be open
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After the KICKING, the door of SUCCESS will be opened
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Cannot work for all doors is more than wooden doors...what if you're against a door that opens only to fingerprint? Or 38kg wooden doors.....
Yes you are write but am not taking about physical door, I just used it for illustration. You people will always wait for when things are okay before they act, using the key is waiting for things to be okay but opening without the key is acting no matter the situation
To save you stress, get the key