
This is exactly what I was going to get to! There are very few really "toxic" people in the world. But they do exist and if you encounter one, they really are best left alone. We aren't in the apocalypse or we could just shoot them in the head and move one. ;) "Contention" though, and "opposites" are what make the world go round. You will never know yourself unless you push to the limits, do something you feel uncomfortable with or talk to people who have different values and ideals. People who refuse to interact with those that are "different" do live in their own bubble and will never grow. You are brave @kyriacos for forcing so many to look at a different perspective, and I applaud you. Me? As long as life is good, I will stay positive. This does not mean that I avoid confrontation, far from it, but I have seen the flip side and holding on to strife and anger is unhealthy. Like you said in the article: ""Sorry to brake it to you but the world involved more negativity due to what physicists call "the second law of thermodynamics". Aka, give it enough time and all things get messed up."" Interestingly, give the mess up enough time and it rights itself. Or you die.