Love Always Protects

in #life7 years ago


Love is protection. Love is secure. Love is safe and warm. Love is home. 


From Oxford Dictionaries:


keep safe from harm or injury: "he tried to protect Kelly from the attack" · [more]synonyms: keep safe · keep from harm · save · safeguard · preserve · defend · shield · cushion · insulate · hedge · shelter · screen · secure · fortify · guard · watch over · look after




We protect the ones we love from harm. We defend them. We hold them close. We sometimes even turn into mama bear.

Because love always protects.


From Merriam Webster:


1. to cover or shield from exposure, injury, damage, or destruction: guard

2. to maintain the status or integrity of                 

3. defend


"Love is the capacity to take care, to protect, to nourish." -Nhat Hanh



Love is a shield from evil, a defense against darkness. Love has your back. Love supports. Love fortifies. Love saves. 

Love protects -- always! 


Love does protect! And it comforts too! I love you kiddo!

Yes, it does! Love you!!

Yes, this is true, but especially so when someone becomes a parent. Then comes the moment when you realize that you have to let your kiddos go through some hardships so they can learn that they are resilient and strong and capable and it just is so heart-wrenching because that protective part of you is screaming to get out and keep them from all heartache. Being a parent is the greatest gift ever, but it's not for the feint of heart.

Oh, my goodness, yes! Nothing prepares you for the ache of watching your baby face hard things!

And then I cried :( Indeed. Love always protects. What a weird instinct. I've been said that it's just being selfish. Because you'd get hurt if something bad happens to the person you love. So you're basically protecting yourself. I think it's hard to explain this with words. But yes, of course, indeed: love always protects.

Oh, no! I hope it was a happy cry, girlie!
I guess I can see how it can be perceived as selfish because you don't want to get hurt, but I see it as a beautiful way to show love, by being protective and guarding! To truly love is to be someone's knight in shining armor, ready to defend, no matter the cost! :)
It really is hard to find the right words for emotions -- especially love!

Love is home. Love protects the one you care about from all things that could cause harm not only physcal harm but also emotional and mental harm. To me love is life it's self
Awesome post

Thanks! I agree -- love is life! 😁

Love is many things, but it feels really warm to be loved

Yes, it totally does!

love make every thing in this life

Exactly. :)