Hi Glowbeauty. Love that title. Very attention grabbing! : ) And so true that cases are more important than ever with these phones.
I wanted to chime in on the screen replacement cost a bit if I may. Apple annouced EU cost for screen would be €321. "Other" damage repairs Apple placed at €611. It should be noted the rear of iPhone X (and iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus for that matter) is glass and falls into the "Other" category reportedly because its so difficult to replace .
If you purchase AppleCare+, the cost of these repairs falls to €29 front screen and € 99 other. You only get coverage for two events during AppleCare+'s term however. After two events, you are paying the regular repair cost. Normally I don't buy extended warranties but with these phones maybe its a bargain. You have 60 days from iPhone purchase in most countries to make the Apple Care Plus buying decision.
Thanks for the read and love those cases!