Are you a Crab or Do You Have Wings?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Crabs are bottom feeders, they live at the bottom of the deep ocean with no hope of getting into sunlight. They do not have the fins that will propel them from the bottom. Crabs will have to go the long way around to come up to the surface and will have to encounter various other crabs.

Crabs will pull you back into the boiling pot to burn. The boiling pot represents chaos and other crabs will use all their energy to pull you back into chaos rather than helping you out of it or helping themselves escape the pot of chaos. Every moment you stay in the pot of chaos, the more you suffer. The more time you spend trying to help others out of the chaos, the less time you have to develop wings to fly out and a stronger body and mind. Even with small wings, if you are not strong enough to escape the pot with others trying to pull you down, your strength will not be strong enough to help others outside the pot. The only way to train yourself and work on yourself to develop the strength and courage to get yourself out first. Once you develop this strength, only then will you have the power to help others escape their chaos.

You sometimes experience malevolent super crabs who are deep in the boiling pot of chaos but manage to TEMPORARILY keep themselves above the water by stepping on and trampling other crabs. These super crabs rely on various sources to achieve their powers like money, influence, physical size and violence and fear, while others use a hyper-developed sense of communication and social skills to deceive others into serving as a stepping stone. Since they are in a constant state of battle trying to keep their heads out of the water, they never realize that there is a way to escape the boiling pot. Even worse, some love the chaos and action and do not want to leave the boiling pot forcing others to remain with them in a metaphorical hell.

Questions to ask yourself?

Do you want to help others escape the chaos and suffering of their life?

Do you currently have the capacity to help others or should you be focusing on yourself?

Do you love the chaos?

Who in your life is preventing you from developing wings?!