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RE: Steemit and the anxious mind

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I think you and I have a lot on common! One of the main reasons for my disconnect last year...was that I was constantly comparing myself to others. It’s especially easy to do this since most of the people I’m “friends” with on other social media sites are people I knew from school. I would see someone post something and think “ Wow, so and so has such a nice home...I wish I had that” or “she always looks so stylish, why can’t I be like that?”. I realized it was a problem...I also realized, like you said...people are only posting little snippets of their lives. A girl that I always admired...I mean, she looked like she had he greatest life, a wonderful happy marriage, big name it. Then one day, she posted that she was getting divorced...and I thought to myself...what a facade! I looked at my family, home, and marriage and realized...I have a great life! Why am I wasting my time worrying about “keeping up with the Jones’”
As far as putting myself out there in face to face situations....Ugh...I know you said that you can tell a lot through body language...My body language screams “awkward and uncomfortable”. Lol. I find it easier if I chat with someone online for a while before the meeting...that way there’s some sense of comfortability! I haven’t made any mom friends and my oldest is 4! I fully understand the loneliness thing. I’m hoping once my oldest starts kindy, he will make friends...forcing me to socialize with the parents! As far as Steemit’s awesome...I don’t compare myself in the same way...because we come from all walks of life!


Oh man that story is all too familiar! I also was realizing I was getting so caught up with comparing my life with others (I’m competitive by nature so that doesn’t help lol) then I look at my amazing, strong, beautiful, caring husband holding my baby girl and I think to myself what the hell am I worrying about! I have everything I need.. I should just enjoy it and be grateful! I understand what you’re saying about feeling and appearing awkward and comfortable... I suppose in my case I appear to have mastered the art of confidence but little do people know that I am in fact an extroverted introvert.. So basically I appear confident on the outside when I’m in fact shitting myself and anxiously overthinking everything on the inside lol. A catch 22 you could say... But sometimes you just gotta fake it until you (at least appear) that you’ve made it ;) Why is it that you haven’t met any other mamas yet? I only know a couple in my city yet I feel the only thing we really have in common is the fact that we have babies.. so it still feels a little lonely I suppose. I just read your post about your husband and sons.. what a lovely, positive read! You sound like you have such a strong family unit. it actually made me tear a little as I looked at my wonderful husband sleeping next to me right now (I may have had a couple of cheeky wines ;-)) but I just wanted to say how sweet and refreshing it was to hear such a positive story about a happy, functioning family.. it’s not often you hear a genuinely (or so it appears) happy story these days! Props to you lady!