It has been raining all day today in Philly and it has not been a pleasant rain either. It's a depressing rain. The kind that makes you wish you could stay in bed. I've decided to take a break, adjust my mood and write this post. For years, I launched into work with enthusiasm and great speed believing that failure was not an option. I have always believed "Give 110% and you'll be happy and handsomely rewarded for your efforts and loyalty". Now that I am old, I am wise. I am also better looking but that is for another post. Going back to my statement about giving 110%, that statement is a bunch of crap!
Working for most companies is like dating. It can be fun but most of the time it is just work! I have hit on non-profit organizations, been in bed with small business, and around the block a few times with Corporate America. I know a good thing when I have it and I can tell when it's time to move on. I have worked for a few great companies but not many. Most of the time either the company is awesome but the position isn't the right fit or the position is perfect but the organization has not evolved or has cancer. I usually end up firing myself from this type of situation but sometimes I've been lucky and I have been fired. My point is, you need to get off the bus if it's not going the direction you want it to go in. I've learned that being real is the best way to be. It either makes the situation better or it gets you fired faster. It might be hard to believe, but trust me, honesty only helps and it's liberating.
The moment that I realize a position or an organization is not a good fit for me, I start to think about my exit strategy. I try to be as authentic as possible. Being true to yourself is more important than trying to be a success when you are unhappy at work. Don't waste time working in the wrong environment or for the wrong people. If it's not right fix it. Please read my disclaimer before taking my advise though: Have a back up plan!
Don't be afraid of the unknown. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. My back up plan for years was to have enough money to live in my shoe box with at least a jar of peanut butter. Fortunately, despite my many terminations I have never had to do that and today I have a big shoe box and lots of food in the pantry. I have also realized I work best when I work virtually without distractions. I am more honest and optimistic now then I have ever been. Today, when I face the unknown I confidently find my way through the darkness. It finally stopped raining so I'm going back to work now. I wish you great success in all of your endeavors. I hope this post helps all of you dream big and imagine great things that have yet to happen.
Good for you my friend. Enjoy your life when you have the chance.

Abundance is the ability to do what you have to do when you have to do it Period (By Bashar)