Kau adalah pelukis indah yang telah menuangkan beberapa tetes tinta cantik untuk memberi warna pada kehidupan.
Kau pemberi rasa pada setiap cicip diatas bibir.
Kau peri impian yang lembut nan rupawan.
Namun kau gemilag hilang bagaikan setan terjang menerjang.
Kau sikut segala beri, mampu saja kau berjanji, mampunya kamu mencipta. Namun kau merobek kertas indah berisi lukisan mimpi setan telanjang.
Kau kejam membuangnya!
Lantas pergi mati dilupakan sunyi. Aku luka karena mu!
Karena aku lukamu, dan kau lukaku.
Namun kau khianat, kau mengira bahwa aku pejuang hebat. Aku berjuang sendiri!

Aku kau buat mati.
Aku mentes darah nadi.
Dan kau hujam.
Karena kau kejam.
Dan kau setan.

You are a beautiful painter who has poured a few drops of beautiful ink to color the life.
You're a taste for every taste above the lips.
You are a beautiful, beautiful dream fairy.
But you are lost like a devil lunging.
You elbowed all the berries, you can only promise, your ability to create. But you ripped off the beautiful paper of a naked demon dream painting.
You cruelly throw it away!
Then go dead is forgotten. I'm hurt because of you!
Because I'm your wound, and you're my wound.
But you're treacherous, you think I'm a great fighter. I fought for myself!
I make you die.
I tested the blood of the pulse.
And you hit.
Because you're cruel.
And you are a devil.
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terimakasih kanda @bahtiarlangsa