I sometimes like to stop and just observe, I like to withdraw from my mind always chasing thoughts and just see how we behave in today's world. The lack of awareness in our society is beyond believe, our values are so out of order.
We extract and explore our mother earth like there was no limit to the restoration of natural resources and ecosystems, we chase materialism to fill our emptiness, we have lost our sense of spirituality and connection in the worlds of academics, we let the governments and central banks control our freedom and property, this is a messed up world lets face it.
I have lost my health, my sanity and my joy over this. I was just trying too hard to show people how we live in this complete unsustainable path that will take us down the road of misery and suffering. Unfortunately most people think everything is just fine and others know that we are destroying the world and ultimately ourselves in the process but find a way to justify their bad behaviors just because change implies discomfort and facing your own crap.
I've been now practicing being more understanding towards others and try not to be too harsh and judgmental, because karma is indeed a bitch and will blow back on you, just as it has been kicking back on me ever since I started to choose to fight, judge and be mean to others that don't see the world as I do.
I just nedded to take this out of me, we are all one and we are all here on a journey to get to know ourselves better, so have fun and be of service to a better world. peace!