@affexiii If you are wondering how you did so well, I paid a bot to help you out a little. I used smartsteem, which can be found here https://steembottracker.com
Then next link is for Tripp’s ”How to Talk to Girls Podcast” found on youtube. I usually listen yo him through Stitcher (podcast app). I like the way he speaks about and refers to women.
We have similar problems when it comes to meeting women. Doing introspective work may help you see your red flag behavior you signal to women. One of the biggest red flags is ”How is your relationship with your mother?” question. (For women - How is your relationship with your father?)
Well, I guess that doesn't make me feel as good. Shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.
I will try to watch the video. With all my laziness, we will see what happens.
I am not even going to answer that question because it will just be a rant of the truth. And I don't feel like doing that right now.
So negative. You were gifted and you want give it back because it isn’t in the amount you wanted? - Is my interpretation correct? (Of course, I know the self-sabotage game because I do it to myslef like ALL time. So, I get it. You could say thanks and sit with that.) 🙏🏼
You really like this one adjective to describe ALL of who you are, which in fact is only one of the many other adjectives one can use to describe one’s self.
That question wasn’t meant for you to answer here. It is something you are going to have to deal with in order to get the women you want to attract. I’m not saying anyone has to become buddy buddies with their parents or even talk to them. What I am saying is those mommy and daddy issues need to be resolved or the cycle of trauma will contiue.
I know it is rough. Most likely, your gather will be small at first and will take time to build. I still don’t have but may five people who upvote my posts.